Category: Ratings

Corporate Ratings, Insurance Ratings, S&P, Moody’s, Fitch

Moody’s upgrades rating of Helios Towers

LONDON: Helios Towers plc, the independent telecommunications infrastructure company, announced Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded the Company’s long-term corporate family rating from B2 to B1...

Fitch Ratings affirms Victoria Plc’s credit rating

LONDON, UK: Victoria PLC (LSE: VCP), the international designers, manufacturers and distributors of innovative flooring, advised that international credit rating agency Fitch Ratings yesterday affirmed...

Moody’s has downgraded the outlook on Israel

Moody’s downgrades Israel’s outlook from “positive” to “stable” following recent protests against proposed changes in the judicial system. The overall A1 rating remains in place,...

S&P affirms Landsbankinn’s credit rating

LONDON: S&P Global Ratings has today affirmed the credit rating for Landsbankinn at BBB/A-2 with continued stable outlook. The announcement states that S&P has lowered...