Cyber Threats Loom at the Threshold of U.S. Affordable Housing Providers
In the digital age, our lives are intertwined with technology more than ever before. This is no different for the realm of affordable housing in...
How Are Alternative Investment Funds Using Net Asset Value Loans?
Current volume of NAV facilities, estimated at approximately $150 billion, could double in the next two years. The landscape of alternative investment funds (AIFs) is...
Moody’s upgrades rating of Helios Towers
LONDON: Helios Towers plc, the independent telecommunications infrastructure company, announced Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded the Company’s long-term corporate family rating from B2 to B1...
AM Best maintains ratings for Suez Canal Insurance amidst economic challenges in Egypt
LONDON: AM Best has reaffirmed the Financial Strength Rating of B- (Fair) and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “bb-” (Fair) for Suez Canal Insurance...
Fitch Ratings affirms Victoria Plc’s credit rating
LONDON, UK: Victoria PLC (LSE: VCP), the international designers, manufacturers and distributors of innovative flooring, advised that international credit rating agency Fitch Ratings yesterday affirmed...
S&P cuts ratings of five regional US banks amid tough lending environment
The credit ratings of five regional US banks have been lowered by S&P Global Ratings, as the agency warned of the challenges facing the sector...
Fitch Ratings, Moody’s Investors Service, and S&P Global Upgrade Emaar Properties PJSC’s Credit Ratings
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, DUBAI: Emaar Properties PJSC, Dubai’s premier realestate developer, received credit rating upgrades from Fitch Ratings, Moody’s, and S&P Global, reflecting its strong...
GFH Ratings Affirmed by Fitch at ‘B’; Outlook Stable
Manama: GFH Financial Group (“GFH” or “the Group”) today announced that Fitch Ratings has affirmed its Long- and Short-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) at ‘B’....
Gulf International Bank receives ratings upgrades from Fitch to ‘A-‘/Stable
MANAMA, BAHRAIN: Gulf International Bank (GIB) announced that Fitch Ratings has upgraded its Long-Term (LT) Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) to ‘A-‘/Stable from ‘BBB+’/Positive for Gulf...
Moody’s has downgraded the outlook on Israel
Moody’s downgrades Israel’s outlook from “positive” to “stable” following recent protests against proposed changes in the judicial system. The overall A1 rating remains in place,...
S&P affirms Landsbankinn’s credit rating
LONDON: S&P Global Ratings has today affirmed the credit rating for Landsbankinn at BBB/A-2 with continued stable outlook. The announcement states that S&P has lowered...
Oman Insurance’s credit rating upgraded to ‘A’ by S&P
DUBAI, UAE: Oman Insurance Company announced that its long-term issuer credit and insurer financial strength ratings have been upgraded by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) to...