Victoria Newman to join NZX as Future Director

AUCKLAND: The New Zealand Exchange (NZX) Board has appointed Victoria Newman as its next Future Director, effective 1 July 2021.

Victoria has broad-based professional services experience, including senior strategy and professional development roles with McKinsey & Co, three years as Principal of Virgin Green Fund focused on private equity investment in the clean-tech sectors in North America and Europe.

She was recently Head of New Ventures and Transformation Lead for Noel Leeming at The Warehouse Group.

NZX Chair, James Miller, says nurturing a diverse and strong pipeline of governance talent in New Zealand is a priority for NZX.

“We see our participation and support for the Future Directors Programme, alongside other leading Kiwi companies, as important to growing the size and depth of the pool of directors we have available in New Zealand.”

Victoria has varied public and private-sector experience from New Zealand, Australia and the UK, with a specialisation in business strategy underpinned by a strong finance background.

“NZX is one of our precious NZ institutions and faces a unique set of pressures and opportunities. I feel very lucky to have the chance to come on board and participate in shaping its future.”

Mr Miller thanked Hayley Buckley, NZX’s current Future Director, who ends her term on 30 June.

“Over the past exceptional year that was 2020, we have been fortunate to have another Future Director of high calibre with strong market connections and knowledge. Hayley has made an excellent contribution to Board discussion, particularly in terms of market development initiatives.”

Future Director Programme:

Administered by the Institute of Directors, the Future Directors Programme is designed to help identify and grow the next generation of directors in New Zealand, including recognising talented executives who are interested in developing governance skills. Participants attend Board meetings where they are able to contribute to discussions in an observer capacity. Future Directors do not have voting rights and are not involved in any decision making.

The programme operates within a well-defined set of protocols at NZX, which maximise learning opportunities for the Future Director, while not diluting the accountability of elected directors to shareholders.

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