What is a Social Responsibility Norm in Business Strategies?

Social responsibility norms turned from a consideration to a necessity. Nowadays, companies recognize the strong impact of their actions on society and the environment. This shift led to a movement to implement social responsibility norms in businesses’ core values. However, many companies aren’t that familiar with these terms, which is why we’ll explain them one by one, with a few practical tips on how to include them in your business strategy.


What is a Social Responsibility Norm?

Social responsibility norms in business are the ethical standards that guide companies to positively impact society instead of just focusing on profit-making. It’s a principle that encourages companies to make decisions that will benefit the business and stakeholders and do good beyond legal obligations. Ultimately, social responsibility norms motivate companies to contribute positively to society.

Although a company’s main goal is usually making a profit, those who show their commitment to social responsibility will get other benefits. For example, conscious companies will build a positive brand image and loyal customer base. 

And since 60% of customers base their purchase decision on a positive brand image, it can also have a profitable side. Hence, every successful business should make social responsibility a vital part of its growth plan.

To do so, they should match the company’s values with important social issues and combine them with sustainable operating practices. By finding ways to make a positive impact on society, you can create a long-lasting positive influence and meet the social responsibility norm.

What are the Four Types of Social Norms?

Folkways, mores, taboos, and laws are the four main types of social norms. Folkways guide everyday behavior, mores are the moral norms, taboos are things everyone agrees are wrong, and laws are official laws by legal systems. Combined, they form social responsibility norms that guide people in their behavior.


Folkways are everyday norms that apply to your routine behavior in your workplace culture. They are as simple as greeting someone or saying please or thank you. These common actions and manners are accepted within a particular culture, and everyone should follow them in their daily activities.


As the name suggests, mores are the social norms with moral significance. These norms can have a strong impact on how society views people who comply with these norms. If someone doesn’t meet these norms, it can have very negative social consequences.


Taboos are the most serious type of social norm, as they are actions that are strictly forbidden in a given culture. Many think of taboos as something unthinkable, which can lead to severe social consequences.


Laws are formal norms created by a society’s legal system. The government enforces them and has legal consequences for those who violate them. Their main purpose is to maintain order within a society.

What are Social Norms – Examples

The definition of a social responsibility norm may be confusing, but they are much easier to understand with practical examples.

Folkways examples

Saying “hello” or shaking hands when meeting someone is a common folkway in many cultures. Another example would be to use utensils properly and not talk with food in your mouth.

Mores examples

As mores refer to moral qualities, a great example would be honesty. Telling the truth is a moral norm valued in many societies, as it builds trust among people. Showing respect to older individuals is another more that is common in many cultures.

Taboos examples

Romantic relationships with relatives are taboo in many societies due to the harm they can bring. Furthermore, disrespecting cultural or religious symbols is another taboo example as it shows strong negative actions.

Laws examples

Laws are a very straightforward practice, with examples like following speed limits and traffic signals to ensure road safety. Respecting others’ property rights is another legal norm based on property laws.

Implementing Social Responsibility Norms

Understanding the importance of social responsibility is just the beginning; the real impact comes from setting these norms as a company standard. You can do that by implementing these practices.

Start by defining clear goals and objectives of social responsibility norms your company aims to achieve. Involve your employees, customers, and other stakeholders in the development of the policy. That will give you a diverse perspective and encourage commitment. The socially responsible initiatives should align with your company’s values.

Then, start by developing a company culture that values social responsibility. You could introduce work benefits to those who follow sustainable practices and waste reduction programs. Training programs are another excellent way to promote social responsibility norms. The training sessions should outline the importance of social responsibility and how they can contribute in their own way. 

Once you set the rules, the next step should be to set measurable metrics. These metrics can evaluate the impact of social responsibility initiatives. For example, you can measure the reduced environmental footprint or community outreach metrics.

Feel free to report on the progress of your initiative regularly. You’ll demonstrate your transparency and commitment to social responsibility norms by showcasing your progress.

Of course, as you’re new to this approach, some trial and error will be involved. You can use feedback and data to adapt and improve your strategies to ensure that you keep growing and making a positive impact.

Final thoughts

Embracing social responsibility norms is a business strategy committed to a positive social impact. By implementing these norms, you will contribute to your company’s success while caring about the community and the environment. Building a socially responsible business is an ongoing endeavor that requires adaptability and dedication. However, the results will always be satisfying and make a lasting difference.

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