Qube Holdings expands into New Zealand and Australian resources industry with strategic acquisitions

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Qube Holdings Limited, an Australian logistics company, has announced the acquisition of a 50% stake in Pinnacle Corporation Limited, a New Zealand-owned and operated group of companies, as well as 100% of Kalari Proprietary Limited, a leading logistics provider to the Australian mining and resources industry.
Qube Holdings is a diversified logistics and infrastructure company in Australia.
The acquisition of Pinnacle Corporation will provide Qube with an initial exposure to the New Zealand container logistics market, with significant longer-term organic growth opportunities.
Pinnacle operates both port-based and stand-alone facilities in nine locations throughout New Zealand under its wholly owned Specialised Group and MetroBox brands.
The company provides customers with a range of services, including container storage and handling, refrigerated container maintenance and repair, container transport, and warehousing, predominantly for Tier 1 global customers.
Qube Managing Director, Paul Digney, said that the joint venture is consistent with Qube’s strategy for growth and geographic diversification within the company’s core strategic focus, and builds on Qube’s existing port logistics presence throughout New Zealand, under the ISO brand.
Pinnacle Managing Director, Grant Tregurtha, said the joint venture is a significant and exciting opportunity that will result in a strong and dynamic presence in the New Zealand market.
Meanwhile, the acquisition of Kalari Proprietary Limited from Swire Investments (Australia) Ltd will enhance Qube’s existing resources logistics offering.
Kalari is a leading logistics provider to the Australian mining and resources industry, specializing in on-road and remote bulk haulage through a fleet of predominantly performance-based standards (PBS) vehicles, materials handling, and supply chain optimization.
Kalari currently services a range of Tier 1 customers with significant mining operations, predominantly across Queensland and South Australia.
Mr. Digney said Kalari’s operations are complementary with Qube’s existing bulk mine to market and mine resupply operations and the acquisition offers a number of synergies, as well as an opportunity for Qube to strengthen the Kalari offering through its rail and port infrastructure.
Peter O’Shannessy, Kalari Managing Director, said he was confident Kalari’s track record of success would continue under Qube’s ownership.
The total consideration for both transactions is expected to be in the order of $145 million AUD (subject to a small number of post-completion adjustments typical for transactions of this nature) and will be funded through Qube’s existing undrawn debt facilities in Australia and New Zealand.
The acquisitions are expected to meet Qube’s financial hurdles, including delivering a Return on Average Capital Employed (ROACE) of at least 10.0% and be Earnings Per Share Pre-Amortization (EPSA) accretive, in each case on a full-year underlying basis.
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