Polar Capital Global Financials Trust takes Susie Arnott and Angela Henderson on Board

LONDON, UK: The Board of Polar Capital Global Financials Trust plc announced the appointment of Ms Susie Arnott and Ms Angela Henderson as independent, non-executive directors to the company, such appointments to become effective on 1 December 2022.
Susie Arnott started her career in fund management over 20 years ago. Susie was primarily focussed on the financial sector; including periods focused on emerging markets investments and global financials portfolios.
She also spent a number of years working in ‘Impact Investing’, combining her experience and passion for social investment and impact measurement. In her current role, Susie continues to focus on investment with a global impact incorporating ESG as a mainstream consideration. This will be Susie’s first non-executive director (NED) role.
Ms Angela Henderson qualified as a solicitor and initially focused her career on corporate law before moving into financial services where she spent time as an in-house lawyer and a director of global equities.
Angela is currently a NED and chair of risk for Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited, NED and chair of the Management and Service Provider Engagement Committee of Hargreave Hale AIM VCT plc and has various other private interests.
Robert Kyprianou, Chairman, commented: “After an in-depth recruitment process, we are delighted that both Susie and Angela have agreed to join the Board. Both individuals bring a variety of experience with them to complement the current skill set on the Board.
We are cognisant of the FCAs Diversity recommendations which apply to the Company for the financial year commencing 1 December 2022 and these have been considered within the search process; with Susie and Angela joining, the Board will, for the present time, be made up of 2 male and 4 female directors, with one senior role being undertaken by a female director. Further detail on the search process will be included in the Company’s next Annual Report.
Our succession plans for the Board have been communicated over the past few years and this is the next step in the transition of the original Board of Directors. With these appointments I can confirm that Katrina Hart will step down from the Board on 1 December 2022 and it is currently intended that I will step down as Chair of the Company following the AGM to be held in 2023.”
A resolution proposing the election of Ms Susie Arnott and Ms Angela Henderson as non-executive directors will be put to shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting of Polar Capital Global Financials Trust due to be held in 2023.