Kazatomprom signs term contracts with China

NUR-SULTAN, KAZAKHSTAN: JSC National Atomic Company (Kazatomprom) announced that the Company, represented by its Chief Commercial Officer, Askar Batyrbayev, participated virtually in the China International Import Expo 2021, held in Shanghai, China from 05-12 November 2021.

During the Expo, Kazatomprom concluded two term contracts for the supply of Kazakhstani natural uranium concentrates: one with China National Uranium Company Limited, and a second with State Nuclear Uranium Resources Development Company Limited. The quantities and specific contract terms cannot be disclosed due to confidentiality and commercial sensitivity.

The conclusion of these contracts with major Chinese energy companies will contribute to meeting China’s growing need for clean, carbon-free electricity, while strengthening the historic, long-term relationship between the two countries in the nuclear industry. Kazatomprom’s market-centric strategy optimizes production, processing and sales for long-term stakeholder value creation, and the ongoing cooperation with Chinese nuclear enterprises highlights the Company’s strong reputation as the supplier of choice to the global nuclear fuel market.

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