Best Workplaces in the Latin America 2021

Best Workplaces in the Latin America 2021

Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture, has announced that Teleperformance (Paris:TEP), a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, ranked in the top 5 multinationals 2021 Best Workplaces in the Latin America 2021 List.

This exceptional ranking is especially meaningful because it is based directly on confidential, direct survey data feedback of more than one million employees in around 8,000 companies that each anonymously assessed their company on factors including trust, company values, leadership and innovation.

The top 125 companies, including many iconic brands, were recognized by being the highest ranked on the Great Place to Work Best Workplaces national lists from the entire region. Teleperformance had 9 national list wins for its operations in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.

This achievement is particularly significant with Teleperformance rapidly converting more than 240,000 employees worldwide to work from home and with the world now in its second full year of the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused major worldwide employment challenges and disruptions.

“Congratulations to the Best Workplaces in Latin America for putting the well-being of their employees first,” said Michael C. Bush, Global CEO of Great Place to Work.

“During an incredibly challenging time for the region, these companies created equitable workplaces by providing flexibility and supporting their employees through strife. The Best Workplaces in Latin America™ embody the mission of Great Place to Work® and are indeed making work great work For All.”

Teleperformance Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Daniel Julien, said: “To be recognized by the leading independent global authority as top 5 multinational best workplace for all of Latin America makes us both proud and humble.

We care about our people and have a relentless focus on employee well-being and respect based on non-discrimination, inclusion, diversity, transparency and ethics in everything we do. This ranking, based on many thousands of our Latin America employees’ direct feedback, shows we offer a welcoming work environment based on fair practices, employee trust, mutual respect and the desire to help each person maximize their potential.

Our people care commitment applies to all of our over 380,000 employees around the world. The Group is now certified in sixty countries by leading third-party experts on workplace culture assessment. This means more than 90% of our entire worldwide staff work in independently certified best employer operations regardless if they are working from home or in an office.”

Teleperformance, a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, serves as a strategic partner to the world’s largest companies in many industries.

Teleperformance shares are traded on the Euronext Paris market, Compartment A, and are eligible for the deferred settlement service.

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