JCurve Solutions board restructured for growth

JCurve Solutions board restructured for growth 1

SYDNEY: The Board of JCurve Solutions Limited (JCS) notified a series of changes to the composition and structure of the Board.

JCurve noted the resignation of David Franks as a director of JCS with immediate effect. The Company thanks David for his wise counsel and guidance over the past six years as a director.

JCS announced the appointment of Martin Green as an independent non-executive director of the Company with immediate effect. Martin has a strong corporate background having played a significant role in the private investment arm of Consolidated Press Holdings Pty Limited (CPH) for more than 10 years in Australia and subsequently Hong Kong where he set up CPH’s operations.

Having left CPH, Martin has assisted in building and monetising technology and other businesses in Asia and Australia through his extensive corporate network.

Martin is based in Hong Kong and holds a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance. Martin is also a member of the Audit and Risk Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.

JCS announced the retirement of Bruce Hatchman as the Chairman of the Board and the appointment of Mark Jobling to this role.

Importantly for the Company, Bruce will remain an independent non-executive director on the Board and will continue to chair the Audit and Risk Committee.

Commenting on the changes, Mark Jobling stated, “David has been a strong participant in all Board matters, and we thank him for his commitment to the Company and its shareholders. I am grateful to Bruce for his committed leadership over the last 6 years and his ongoing support as a member of the Board”.

Mark further commented, “The appointment of Martin Green brings a director to the Board with strong corporate connections in Australia and Asia. Martin sees the potential in the Company and will be a valuable addition to the Board to help drive JCS growth”.

The Company moved cautiously through 2020 given the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and will continue to focus on being resilient as we deal with the ongoing uncertainty.

Looking forward, Mark will focus on adding shareholder value through acquisitions and existing business growth as well as re-framing the messaging of the Company to shareholders and potential shareholders.

Mark indicated, “I am excited to take on the role of Chair at a time when the Company is well positioned for growth. Focusing on shareholder value means that our success will be measured primarily by our share price, and as a Board, we will single-mindedly seek to unlock the value that already exists in the business but is patently not reflected in the current share price. We will grow our business through acquisitions as well as accelerating existing business growth. With the strong support of our largest shareholder and non-executive director, Graham Baillie, as well as Bruce Hatchman and Martin Green, shareholders should feel particularly confident. We move into 2021 with no debt, a strong cash balance, a growing business, multiple exciting opportunities and a committed and talented executive team lead by our CEO, Stephen Canning.”

JCurve Solutions is a trusted cloud technology solutions partner, listed on the ASX (JCS). The team at JCS utilise the power of the cloud technology to help customers make lasting, substantial improvements to their performance and to grow into great businesses. www.jcurvesolutions.com

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