NCR teams up with Microsoft

NCR teams up with Microsoft
NCR Teams up With Microsoft to Keep Millions of IoT Edge Devices at Retail Stores, Restaurants and Banks Running

ATLANTA: NCR Corporation announced collaboration with Microsoft to power NCR Digital Connected Services (DCS).

NCR’s Digital Connected Services Internet of Things (IoT) management software will run on top of Azure IoT AI technology. That means data can be turned into insights faster, and incidents that could potentially impact availability can be identified sooner, increasing uptime.

Through this unique combination, NCR’s retail, restaurant, and banking customers will gain a wall-to-wall IoT monitoring and managed services solution that proactively keeps connected devices running with greater uptime, enhancing their customers’ experiences.

“With Digital Connected Services, our customers gain peace of mind that their mission-critical technologies are always ready and available,” said Dan Campbell, EVP, Global Sales, NCR Corporation. “NCR can help global retailers, restaurants and financial institutions protect availability of edge devices and quickly turn massive amounts of data into meaningful insights.”

NCR makes it simple to access these end-to-end technology services, with thousands of service professionals in 160 countries that provide the experience, breadth and global scope customers require.

“By leveraging Microsoft Azure and its AI and IoT capabilities, NCR is helping retailers, restaurants and financial institutions simplify and keep commerce running with Microsoft’s trusted, secure and scalable platform,” said Sam George, CVP, Azure IoT at Microsoft Corp.

NCR Corporation (NYSE: NCR) is a leading software- and services-led enterprise provider in the financial, retail and hospitality industries. NCR is headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., with 36,000 employees globally. NCR is a trademark of NCR Corporation in the United States and other countries.

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