How AR/VR Can Spark Your Imagination and Make You More Creative

Are you looking for some fresh and fun ways to spark your creativity? Do you want to explore new possibilities and perspectives for your writing, drawing, or music projects? If so, you may want to try using smart phone functions to access augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) apps or games and use them as inspiration for your creative projects.

AR vs VR

AR and VR are technologies that create immersive and interactive experiences by overlaying or replacing your real environment with digital images, sounds, or sensations.

AR and VR apps or games are applications or games that use AR or VR technologies to provide you with different kinds of experiences, such as entertainment, education, or simulation.

You can access AR or VR apps or games using your smart phone and some additional devices or equipment, such as a headset, a controller, or a sensor.

There are many AR or VR apps or games that are available for smart phones, and they cover a wide range of genres, themes, and styles. Some of the popular or interesting AR or VR apps or games that you can try are:

  • Pokemon Go: An AR app that lets you catch, train, and battle with virtual creatures called Pokemon in your real environment
  • Google Arts & Culture: An AR app that lets you view and learn about artworks, landmarks, and cultural artifacts from around the world in your real environment
  • Beat Saber: A VR game that lets you slash blocks that represent musical beats with virtual lightsabers in a futuristic environment
  • Half-Life: Alyx: A VR game that lets you fight against an alien invasion in a dystopian environment
  • Minecraft Earth: An AR game that lets you build and explore virtual worlds made of blocks in your real environment

One of the latest mobile phones that supports AR or VR apps or games is the iPhone 15, which was announced by Apple in 2023. The iPhone 15 features a 6.10-inch display, an Apple A15 Bionic processor, a 12MP front camera, and a 12MP + 12MP rear camera. The iPhone 15 also uses USB-C chargers and charging ports, which is a milestone moment for Apple.

“I’m excited about augmented reality because unlike virtual reality, which closes the world out, AR allows individuals to be present in the world but hopefully allows an improvement on what’s happening presently.”

Tim Cook

The main purpose and goal of this article is to show you how you can use smart phone functions to access AR or VR apps or games and use them as inspiration for your writing, drawing, or music projects. In this article, you will learn about:

  • The benefits of using AR or VR apps or games for creative inspiration
  • How to use smart phone functions to access AR or VR apps or games
  • How to use AR or VR apps or games as inspiration for your writing, drawing, or music projects
  • The ethical or social implications of using AR or VR apps or games for creative inspiration

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to use smart phone functions to access AR or VR apps or games and use them as inspiration for your creative projects. You will also have some ideas or suggestions on how to apply this technique to your own projects. So, let’s get started!

Benefits of Using AR/VR Apps or Games for Creative Inspiration

One of the main reasons why you may want to use smart phone functions to access AR/VR apps or games and use them as inspiration for your creative projects is that they can provide you with immersive and interactive experiences that stimulate your senses and imagination. AR/VR apps or games can make you feel like you are in a different reality, where you can see, hear, touch, or even smell things that are not actually there. You can also interact with the virtual environment and the objects or characters in it, using your smart phone functions or other devices or equipment.

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These immersive and interactive experiences can help you explore new worlds, scenarios, or perspectives that can inspire your creative ideas. You can visit places that you have never been to, or that do not exist in the real world, such as historical sites, fantasy lands, or futuristic cities. You can also experience situations that you have never encountered, or that are impossible or unlikely in the real world, such as fighting zombies, flying in space, or being a superhero. You can also see things from different angles, scales, or dimensions, such as shrinking to the size of an ant, zooming in to the molecular level, or switching to the third-person view.

By exploring these new worlds, scenarios, or perspectives, you can expand your horizons, challenge your assumptions, and discover new possibilities for your creative projects. You can also learn new information, skills, or techniques that can enhance your creativity. For example, you can learn about the history, culture, or art of a place that you visit in an AR/VR app or game. You can also learn how to use different tools, materials, or methods that you encounter in an AR/VR app or game.

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There is some data or statistics that support the claims that AR/VR apps or games can benefit your creativity. According to Statista, the number of AR/VR users worldwide is expected to reach 2.6 billion by 2025, which shows the popularity and potential of these technologies.

According to Grand View Research, the global AR/VR market size is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 63.3% from 2021 to 2028, which shows the demand and innovation of these technologies. According to ScienceDirect, a study conducted by researchers from the

University of Oulu in Finland found that AR/VR can enhance creativity by increasing motivation, engagement, and enjoyment, as well as by facilitating divergent thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.

“AR and VR have the potential to foster creativity by enabling people to experience and manipulate reality in ways that were not possible before.” –

Mark Zuckerberg, META

“I use AR and VR apps to inspire my writing. I can immerse myself in different settings, characters, and plots and get a feel for how they would look, sound, and feel in real life.” –

Kiran Khan, a fiction writer and blogger

“AR and VR apps are amazing for drawing inspiration. I can sketch or paint in 3D, using different brushes, colors, and textures. I can also create or modify the virtual environment, adding or removing elements as I wish.” – Javed Mirza, a content developer graphic designer and illustrator

As you can see, using smart phone functions to access AR/VR apps or games and use them as inspiration for your creative projects can have many benefits.

You can have immersive and interactive experiences that stimulate your senses and imagination, explore new worlds, scenarios, or perspectives that inspire your creative ideas, and learn new information, skills, or techniques that enhance your creativity. You can also have fun and enjoy yourself while doing so.

How to Use AR/VR Apps or Games as Inspiration for Your Writing, Drawing, or Music Projects

After you have accessed the AR/VR apps or games using your smart phone functions, you can use them as inspiration for your writing, drawing, or music projects. In this section, I will provide you with some examples or suggestions on how to do that.

I will also explain how to use the AR/VR apps or games to capture photos, videos, or sounds of your environment and use them as prompts for your projects, how to use the AR/VR apps or games to scan QR codes, barcodes, or labels of objects or products in your environment and use them as inspiration for your projects, and how to use the AR/VR apps or games to access augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) apps or games that overlay or replace your environment and use them as inspiration for your projects.

Use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your writing projects

If you are a writer or a blogger, you can use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your writing projects, such as stories, essays, articles, or reviews. You can use the AR/VR apps or games to generate ideas, themes, plots, characters, settings, or styles for your writing projects. You can also use the AR/VR apps or games to improve your writing skills, techniques, or strategies.

For example, you can use the AR/VR apps or games to:

  • Write a story based on the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the same or similar genre, theme, plot, character, setting, or style
  • An essay or an article that analyzes, evaluates, or critiques the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the criteria, evidence, or arguments that are relevant or appropriate
  • A review or a recommendation that expresses your opinion, experience, or feedback on the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the rating, pros, cons, or suggestions that are helpful or persuasive
  • A creative or a personal piece that reflects your thoughts, feelings, or insights on the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the metaphors, imagery, or emotions that are meaningful or expressive

Use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your drawing projects

If you are a graphic designer or an illustrator, you can use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your drawing projects, such as sketches, paintings, or animations.

You can use the AR/VR apps or games to generate concepts, designs, or styles for your drawing projects. You can also use the AR/VR apps or games to improve your drawing skills, techniques, or tools.

For example,:

  • Draw a sketch or a painting based on the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the same or similar color, shape, texture, or perspective
  • A design or a style that is inspired by the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the elements, principles, or trends that are relevant or appropriate
  • An animation or a comic that depicts or narrates the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the frames, transitions, or dialogues that are helpful or persuasive
  • A creative or a personal piece that reflects your thoughts, feelings, or insights on the AR/VR app or game that you played, using the symbols, patterns, or expressions that are meaningful or expressive

Use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your music projects

If you are a music producer or a singer, you can use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your music projects, such as songs, compositions, or performances. You can use the AR/VR apps or games to generate ideas, themes, melodies, rhythms, or genres for your music projects. You can also use the AR/VR apps or games to improve your music skills, techniques, or instruments.

Use the AR/VR apps or games to capture photos, videos, or sounds of your environment and use them as prompts for your projects

One of the ways that you can use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your creative projects is to capture photos, videos, or sounds of your environment and use them as prompts for your projects. You can use the smart phone functions, such as the camera, the microphone, or the speaker, to capture the media of your environment and save them on your smart phone or upload them to your cloud or social media.

You can then use the media as prompts for your creative projects, such as writing, drawing, or music projects.

Use the AR/VR apps or games to scan QR codes, barcodes, or labels of objects or products in your environment and use them as inspiration for your projects

Another way that you can use the AR/VR apps or games as inspiration for your creative projects is to scan QR codes, barcodes, or labels of objects or products in your environment and use them as inspiration for your projects. You can use the smart phone functions, such as the camera or the scanner, to scan the codes or labels of the objects or products in your environment and access the information or the content that they provide. You can then use the information or the content as inspiration for your creative projects, such as writing, drawing, or music projects.

Access augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) apps and games that overlay or replace your environment and use them as inspiration for your projects

For example, you can use the AR/VR apps or games to access AR or VR apps or games that overlay or replace your environment and use them as inspiration for your projects by:

  • Accessing an AR app or game that overlays your environment with virtual elements, such as animals, plants, or characters;
  • Replace your environment with a virtual one, such as a historical site, a fantasy land, or a futuristic city, and using them as inspiration for your writing, drawing, or music project;
  • An AR or VR app or game that provides you with a different kind of experience, such as a game, a lesson, or a simulation, and using them as inspiration for your writing, drawing, or music project

Ethical or Social Implications of Using AR/VR Apps or Games for Creative Inspiration

AR/VR apps or games can have positive or negative effects on your values, beliefs, or behaviors, depending on how you use them and what kind of content you consume. For example, AR/VR apps or games can help you develop empathy, compassion, or awareness for different cultures, causes, or issues, or they can expose you to violence, hatred, or misinformation that can harm your mental or emotional health.

On the positive side, AR/VR apps or games can help you develop empathy, compassion, or awareness for different cultures, causes, or issues, by allowing you to experience and understand the perspectives, situations, or emotions of others. For example, you can use an AR/VR app or game that lets you see the world through the eyes of a refugee, a homeless person, or a disabled person, and feel what they feel, think what they think, and do what they do. This can help you empathize with their struggles, challenges, or hopes, and inspire you to help them, support them, or advocate for them.

On the negative side, AR/VR apps or games can expose you to violence, hatred, or misinformation that can harm your mental or emotional health, by exposing you to content that is disturbing, offensive, or false.

For example, you can use an AR/VR app or game that lets you witness or participate in acts of violence, such as killing, torturing, or raping, or that promotes or incites hatred, such as racism, sexism, or homophobia, or that spreads or manipulates misinformation, such as conspiracy theories, propaganda, or fake news.

This can affect your mood, attitude, or behavior, and make you feel angry, scared, or depressed, or make you act aggressively, impulsively, or irrationally.

AR/VR apps or games can also influence your interactions with others or with the real world, depending on how you use them and what kind of content you consume.

For example, AR/VR apps or games can enhance or impair your social skills, relationships, or communication, or they can increase or decrease your engagement, involvement, or responsibility.

On the positive side, AR/VR apps or games can enhance your social skills, relationships, or communication, by allowing you to interact with others in a virtual environment, where you can share, collaborate, or compete with them.

For example, you can use an AR/VR app or game that lets you chat, play, or work with your friends, family, or colleagues, or that lets you meet, connect, or network with new people, who share your interests, goals, or passions.

This can help you improve your social skills, such as listening, speaking, or negotiating, and strengthen your relationships, such as trust, intimacy, or loyalty, and enhance your communication, such as feedback, expression, or understanding.

On the negative side, AR/VR apps or games can impair your social skills, relationships, or communication, by isolating you from others in the real world, where you may neglect, ignore, or avoid them.

For example, you can use an AR/VR app or game that makes you addicted, obsessed, or dependent on the virtual environment, where you may spend too much time, money, or energy on it, or that makes you dissatisfied, bored, or detached from the real world, where you may lose interest, motivation, or connection with it.

This can harm your social skills, such as empathy, cooperation, or compromise, and weaken your relationships, such as respect, support, or affection, and impair your communication, such as honesty, clarity, or feedback.

On the positive side, AR/VR apps or games can increase your engagement, involvement, or responsibility, by allowing you to participate in or contribute to the real world, where you can learn, create, or change something.

For example, you can use an AR/VR app or game that lets you explore, discover, or experiment with the real world, such as nature, science, or art, or that lets you create, design, or invent something in the real world, such as a product, a service, or a solution, or that lets you change, improve, or influence something in the real world, such as a problem, a cause, or an issue.

This can help you increase your engagement, such as curiosity, interest, or passion, and involvement, such as action, effort, or impact, and responsibility, such as awareness, accountability, or leadership.

On the negative side, AR/VR apps or games can decrease your engagement, involvement, or responsibility, by distracting you from or replacing you in the real world, where you may miss, forget, or ignore something.

For example, you can use an AR/VR app or game that distracts you from the real world, such as your work, your studies, or your health, or that replaces you in the real world, such as your job, your role, or your duty, or that makes you indifferent, apathetic, or irresponsible to the real world, such as your environment, your society, or your humanity.

This can harm your engagement, such as attention, focus, or concentration, and involvement, such as participation, contribution, or achievement, and responsibility, such as commitment, obligation, or ethics.


In conclusion, this article has explored some of the ways that you can use your smart phone to access amazing AR/VR apps or games that can spark your creativity. Whether you want to write a story, draw a picture, or compose a song, you can find inspiration from the immersive and interactive worlds that AR/VR offers. I invite you to share your own experiences, opinions, or feedback on using AR/VR apps or games for creative inspiration in the comments section below.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you will try out some of the AR/VR apps or games that I have recommended.

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