Category: Euronext

Euronext, euronext stock exchange, euronext exchange, euronext nv, stock exchange euronext

ECIT acquires 70% ownership in WLCOM

OSLO, NORWAY: ECIT AS has acquired 70% of WLCOM, a software and consulting company with more than 25 years of experience, which will strengthen the...

Holcim sells business in Brazil for $1.025bn

PARIS, FRANCE: Holcim Ltd has signed an agreement with CSN (Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional) as it sells business in Brazil for an enterprise value of USD...

Europris opens new store at Jåttå

FREDRIKSTAD: Europris opened a new store today at Jåttå in Rogaland county. This brings the group’s extensive network of stores to 269. Today’s opening is...