Category: Euronext

Euronext, euronext stock exchange, euronext exchange, euronext nv, stock exchange euronext

BillerudKorsnäs divests the Beetham mill

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN: BillerudKorsnäs has agreed with the British investment firm Inspirit regarding the divestment of the Beetham mill. The purchase price corresponds to an equity...

Wolters Kluwer acquires LicenseLogix

AMSTERDAM: Wolters Kluwer Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) has acquired LicenseLogix LLC, a provider of U.S. business licensing services. LicenseLogix is a premier provider of comprehensive business license services, including research,...

Glamox CEO Rune Marthinussen to retire

OSLO, NORWAY: Glamox AS announces that Rune Marthinussen, Chief Executive Officer & President, plans to retire from the company next year. The Board of Directors...

BIO-UV Group to acquire Corelec

PARIS, FRANCE: BIO-UV Group signed a protocol to acquire 100% of the capital of the company Corelec, one of the French leaders in swimming pool...

FPK invests SEK 500 million in Heimstaden Bostad

OSLO, NORWAY: Swedish pension fund, Försäkringsbranschens Pensionskassa (FPK), invests SEK 500 million in Heimstaden Bostad, partnering with industrial owner Heimstaden AB and institutional investors Alecta,...

BW Offshore to sell 7.8% holding in BW Energy

OSLO, NORWAY: BW Offshore Limited (BWO) has retained Citigroup Global Markets Limited and Pareto Securities AS to explore a potential block sale of existing shares...