BSA Limited to divest its APS Fire QLD business to Entire Fire Pty Ltd

fire protection equipment

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: BSA Limited (ASX:BSA) has entered into an agreement to divest its APS Fire QLD business to Entire Fire Pty Ltd, a Melbourne based Fire Protection and Mechanical services company. The agreement is subject to conditions precedent with a sunset date of 30 April 2023.

The divestment is part of the BSA three horizon strategy of stabilising, focusing and transforming BSA. The transaction, for nominal consideration, includes all Queensland Fire Construction capabilities, contracts and employees. The APS Fire NSW business remains an asset held for sale with BSA continuing to assess options.

BSA’s Interim CEO, Arno Becker, said: “The sale of APS Fire QLD is a great outcome for both parties. Entire will enable the exiting business to thrive and the transfer of people and clients will be beneficial for all parties. Rod Sekulich is a familiar personality to both our transitioning people and clients. The sale also represents the continuance of our strategic path to further increase focus in our core operations.”

Entire’s Managing Director, Rod Sekulich said: “This is an exciting acquisition that extends our geographic footprint and strengthens the capability of our fire protection businesses. Established in 1985, Entire is a proven Fire and Mechanical contracting and service business and believes the BSA fire team in Qld. align with the Entire core values. This is a key step forward for our organisation, and we look forward to welcoming and working with the existing people and clients.”

BSA is being advised by Piper Alderman.

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