In today’s generation, one thing that has been affecting the concentration of the students is the phone. In post covid time the usage of phones has dramatically increased. This has been a constant concern of the parents about why their kids are not keeping their phones aside at the time of studying. The phone has become a regular addiction that is leaving negative impacts. Students are becoming impulsive, they are not keeping up well with their studies, and they are not interested in being involved in productivity. I, myself, as a student, am hiring someone at a cheap essay writing service uk to consume more content on phone.
1. Log out from the current social media platforms
This needs to be done at the very first stage. Most of the time the students switch on their phones and spend hours after hours with that just because of their social media handles. Whatever happens in the social media handles of the users indeed affect the psychological intercurrent of the user. The moment one is logging out from the applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram they can set their minds for a time being.
When they are out of the space, they can finally think of untying their attention for something else. Giving attention to more than one thing at a time is indeed next to impossible. Studies demand a certain amount of peaceful state of mind. If that gets broken at the initial stage then nothing can do the work.
Logging out from the current mobile applications allow the students to concentrate. The constant anxiousness of checking the applications ceases. And by using this method regularly, good habits form.
2. Keeping the Phone in DND Mode
This is the best feature that the phones are having these days. If the students have a pattern to keep the phones in DND modes then, they will not get distracted by the incoming calls or messages. In this part, the messages or notifications coming from the other applications also get included.
The students have to set a goal, that at the time of their studies they want to follow religiously. So the sudden tantrums that the incoming texts calls or notifications can bring into their lives, get reduced. If the habit forms, then building some solid hours for studies are not going to cost the students heavily.
3. Forming the Habits of Other Constructive Works
This stands as one of the most fundamental things in today’s life. Here the students have to make a little effort to invest their time in something apart from phones. With the fast passing years and the pressure of other commodities here the individuals do not want to invest in something that is not phone related. From reading books to booking tickets every time we are relying on the phones and that too on a great scale.
So whatever that is achieved by the students that have to be phone oriented. If the students make a little effort to invest in something like books or healthy exercises then their phone addiction might get a new way to leave. By making a Division between the time investments and how to cope with that, the students eventually set their minds. If they form hobbies like travelling or yoga or listening to music from anything apart from phones that too detach themselves from the phones for a long run.
4. Switching Off the Phone at the Time of Studies
Now, this is the most drastic thing that the students can perform. This is also the very last step that they need to follow. If the students still can not concentrate on their work or studies after trying out the above-mentioned 3 ways, then definitely their lifestyle demands a bit of a radical approach. Switching it off for 2-3 hours in a day does not bring any harm, rather it introduces the individual to a new habit and self-growth. The habits of living without phones build with it. By practising it, a good sense of self-dependence comes in.
The above mentioned four ways are the most useful ways that the students can try out. They need to take baby steps to get over this addiction. Overnight these things will not change.
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