Malaysian authorities approve two Pakistani meat plants for exports to Malaysia

Malaysian authorities approve two Pakistani meat plants for exports to Malaysia

KARACHI: Malaysian authorities have approved two Pakistani establishments for exporting meat and its allied products to Malaysia, which would open a new meat export market for the country, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) said.

Pakistan exports around four percent of beef and veal produced in a year. This is despite a fact that the country is among the top 10 beef and veal producers in the world producing approximately 1.8 million tons of beef and veal.

According to details, TDAP and Animal Quarantine Department, Ministry of National Food Security and Research had invited Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro – Based Industry, Malaysia to inspect and visit meat processing establishments in Pakistan.

The team of the Veterinary Inspection Section, Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia which was consisted of 4 representatives, visited three establishments in Karachi and four establishments in Lahore, and also had meetings with TDAP and Animal Quarantine Department, Ministry of National Food Security and Research, Islamabad officials during their visit.

“Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia (DVS) and Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) has informed that they have approved two Pakistani Establishments namely Zenith Associates, Lahore and Leiner Pak Gelatine Limited, Lahore for exporting meat and its allied products to Malaysia. This will now open a potential market for export of meat and its allied products for Pakistan, further giving an essential and prosperous boost for Pakistan’s exports of meat to Malaysia,” a statement issued by TDAP noted.

Exports of meat and meat preparations amounted to $242.799 million in the last fiscal year, up 7.61 percent over the preceding fiscal year. The exports accounted for merely 1.1 percent of the country’s total exports of $22.979 billion in FY2019. Pakistan is self-sufficient in meat production. Local consumption is estimated at 15 kilograms per capita.

According to data from market research and corporate management consulting company coherence Market Insights, the global Halal food market was valued at US$ 715 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.7 percent in the coming years (2019-2027).

Pakistan has a considerable share of the Halal market and is in a good position. Pakistan’s meat is currently mainly being exported to Gulf countries, Vietnam and Malaysia.

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