5 Reasons for YouTube Views Dropping and What to Do About It

Did you recently notice a drop in your YouTube views? Well, don’t panic because it’s definitely possible to fix the problem!

YouTube’s algorithm is simpler than most social media platforms. It ranks the video content based on search relevancy and viewer satisfaction. So, there are 5 unique reasons which might have caused the drop.

In today’s post, we will discuss these reasons and what you can do to resolve them. But please, bear in mind that good results take some time and experimentation. If you don’t have the patience for that, you can always get free views on YouTube using a reliable growth service!

1.  Content Strategy

When starting on YouTube, it’s okay to try different content formats because it helps you understand what the audience likes. But, once the audience is established, too many changes can be risky.

You see, your audience is used to a certain type of content and style. If you abruptly change it, some will not take it positively. They won’t find the content as relevant, relatable, and interesting as before.

You can further verify if this is the reason behind the drop in views by looking at the comments. YouTube subscribers are usually more expressive and like to leave their feedback as comments.

2.  Uploading Time

People don’t fall for anyone who claims timing doesn’t matter on YouTube. It definitely matters!

The YouTube algorithm is designed to give the video an unnatural boost in the first 60 minutes. This is to check the response of the general audience and decide whether the video should be promoted further.

So, if you want your video to perform well, you must upload it at a time when your target audience is most active. This will give your video a good response in the first hour and triggers the algorithm to boost it.

3.  Inappropriate Keywords and Hashtags

Not every keyword or hashtag is supposed to be used for video optimization. If you do this, the algorithms will be confused about what the video is really about and your video won’t be ranked higher in the search results.

It’s why you must think from the target viewer’s perspective when selecting the keywords and hashtags. What will be their search intent? Use this information to choose keywords and hashtags that are relevant.

4.  Community Guidelines

YouTube has strict community guidelines, which include no:

➔   Hate speech

➔   Predatory behavior

➔   Malicious attacks

➔   Graphic violence or any type of harmful content

If you go against these guidelines in any of your videos, YouTube will remove the content and send you a warning. In worst cases, YouTube may also shadowban you (the videos won’t receive any reach).

5. Algorithm Changes

Over the years, YouTube has kept algorithms that allowed creators to boost their videos for a particular aspect.

From 2005 to 2011, the algorithms promoted videos based on the number of views and likes. Later, this was changed to watch time. From 2015 to 2016, the algorithms focused on videos with the most viewer satisfaction.

However, currently, YouTube has shifted its algorithms to recommend content based on activity. This means algorithms are constantly changing to offer recommendations based on search and watch history. It is now impossible for creators to optimize the videos for algorithms.

 But, at the same time, YouTube has also optimized algorithms to detect videos with dangerous content and push them down. This could be another reason why your views are dropping!

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