RuneScape: top 7 most difficult bosses
There are many quests in the RuneScape game, so there are quite a lot of bosses, respectively. They vary in strength, and in this article, we will recall the most powerful of them. You won’t be able to defeat any of these bosses if you don’t have enough gold. Many skilled players use boosting services to buy cheap osrs gold because it is convenient, legal, and safe. This will save you time, nerves, and effort.

Telos is by far the most difficult boss in RuneScape. Before you have a chance to fight him, players must first collect four ancient symbols by killing four bosses of God Wars Dungeon 2. After receiving them, collect them together and place them on the door in the center of the dungeon.
Telos can only be fought alone, which is why it is so difficult. It has four phases, and with each phase, you sink deeper into the depths of Gielinor’s Heart. Telos also has the mechanics of Frenzy, but its limit is 4000%. Once it reaches that point, it becomes a complete powerhouse. If players are experienced enough to reach this level, they have a high chance of getting some of the best rewards in the game.
Seiryu The Azure Serpent
Seiryu is the final boss in the elite Aminishi Temple dungeon in Runescape. This snake is one of the top three monsters of the highest level in the whole universe of RS with a combat level of 10,000. Before you will fight with this boss, you have to complete the ‘Impressing the Locals’ quest. Players can go to Aminishi Island and from there enter the dungeon in a group of 2-3 teammates.
There are several mechanics in Seiryu that players must master. This can take players by surprise if they are not attentive. Gamers need to climb on the back of the monster and crash the black crystals on his handcuffs with a certain amount of health. In this case, players will win the battle and get benefits. Every time participants destroy the crystal on the back of this boss, his special attacks, such as Shadow Tail and Shadow Root, increase speed.
Kerapac, The Bound
You can find the dungeons of this boss in the ancient ruins of Senntisten. It was a fascinating addition to RuneScape, delivered in July 2021. It features 4 factions of the Elder God’s followers, with a general or boss leading his followers. Kerapac, bound, lives on the Nodon front. He is also devoted to the Elder god Jas.
This monster has a combat level of 3000, and up to 3 gamers could fight with it at the same time. Remember that you should not try to go to the battle with this boss before you have your combat stats at 90+ and a high prayer level. Kerapac consists of 4 phases. Every phase consists of complicated mechanics and can cause deadly damage.
One of the most challenging features in multiple boss battles in RuneScape is a mechanic called “Frenzy”. The more players fight the boss for a certain period, the angrier he becomes. In a state of rage, his damage increases significantly. Araxxi was the first boss to introduce this attribute back in 2014. The entrance to this boss is located in the eastern part of Morytania.
In just 15 fights, players will fight Araxxi at maximum fury. Entering the battle, players can choose three different paths. Only two paths will be offered, depending on the day in the real world. Players can choose between these two paths, so choose wisely.
This monster is considered to be very difficult, especially if this is your first try. To access a fight with this monster you need to successfully finish a mini-quest near Anachronia. This quest is called “Raksha, shadow colossus”. While you go through this quest, it becomes clear where the boss is, so stock up on supplies and equipment before trying to deal with Raksha.
Raksha could use sorting of all 3 fighting methods – Magic, Melee, and Ranged combat. It is recommended to take with you the best-ranged equipment for your level and completely avoid hand-to-hand combat. This allows players to fully focus on the ranged attacks and mage attacks it conducts. One of the things making him enormously complicated is that he has instant kill mechanics. This mechanics is obtained by only a few monsters in the whole game. Be very attentive to this attack.
Players consider Nex to be among the most beneficial monsters in RS. To be able to defeat him, gamers need to make a frozen key first. The key can be made from 4 components, which can be obtained by killing his followers. After the key is created, the Nex room will be opened.
Like many other bosses in RS, this boss has several battle stages that are worth paying attention to. Almost all of its levels are based on magic existing in Runescape: smoke, shadow, blood, and ice.

The Ambassador
The Ambassador is the last boss of the 3rd elite dungeon. This location is very interesting, so it’s a real pleasure to pass this boss even many years after its release. To get to the boss, you could use the Kinship Ring to teleport to Daemonheim and navigate southeast. You should use the boat which you will find on the shore.
The ambassador has 3 main stages of the battle to pay attention to, and a huge reserve of health. Although the boss doesn’t have instant kill mechanics, some abilities approach it. Players must be prepared for a long and exhausting battle.
These were the most interesting and difficult bosses in the game. And despite the years spent in this universe, many players are still ready to go through these locations again and again, because they are very exciting. Therefore, it is not surprising that, due to its complexity, the game has a high rating on IMDb.