Australian Mines Limited appoints Michael Holmes as CEO

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Australian Mines Limited announced the appointment of Michael Holmes as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company, effective immediately.
Mr Holmes was former President and Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Stock Exchange listed OceanaGold Corporation, a mining company with a current market capitalisation of over $1.3 billion Canadian Dollars, with 2021 revenue of US$745 million and EBITDA of US$330 million.
He is an accomplished mining engineer with more than 30 years’ experience working in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and North and South America. He brings to the CEO role extensive operational experience in nickel, gold, copper, lead, and zinc mines.
Prior to his role as President and Chief Executive Officer at OceanaGold Mr Holmes was Chief Operating Officer at OceanaGold from November 2012 to March 2020, where under his tenacious and focused leadership he delivered on key growth milestones.
These included mine life extensions, advancement of key mining projects and advancement of strategic objectives while setting up the business to deliver long-term value for shareholders, while also maintaining responsible mining and best ESG practices.
Prior to his time at OceanaGold, Mr Holmes was the General Manager of Minera Alumbrera Operations in Argentina (Xstrata Copper), a project with a total of 2,200 employees and contractors, where Mr Holmes was responsible for large open pit, processing, transport and port facilities and for management of the feasibility study for the Agua Rica Project.
Prior to this, he held several mine management positions in Australia, including General Manager of Mount Isa Copper Operations (Xstrata Copper) where he oversaw operations at the large-scale underground mine and concentrator.
Mr Holmes holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) Degree from the University of Queensland and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Australian Mines Chairman, Michael Ramsden, commented, “The Board is very pleased to appoint Michael Holmes as CEO. He brings a range of skills and background to continue the discussions that are underway with several potential major strategic sponsors and to lead Australian Mines through the next stages of development of the Sconi Project.”
The Board also thanks Mr Les Guthrie for supporting the Company during the leadership transition period, in the role of interim CEO. Mr Guthrie formally concluded the role as interim CEO on 5 September 2022 and will revert to his previous role as a non-executive Director on the Board.