Sarah Lewthwaite appointed CEO of Movio

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Vista Group International Limited (ASX:VGL) announced that Sarah Lewthwaite, Movio’s Chief Client Officer, has been appointed CEO of Movio, and Matthew Liebmann, Movio’s Chief Operating Officer, has been appointed Vista Group’s Chief Innovation and Data Officer.
The appointments will take effect from 1 July 2022.
Vista Group CEO, Kimbal Riley, noted: “Both Sarah Lewthwaite and Matthew Liebmann are hugely respected across Vista Group and the cinema industry, and these appointments represent a natural progression for both. I am confident that under Sarah’s leadership Movio will respond to the resurgence in the cinema industry and continue to deliver strong results going forward. I am also certain that Matthew will successfully deliver on the huge potential for innovation and data across, and in the connected offerings of, Vista Group’s businesses.”
Movio is the global leader in marketing data analytics and campaign management solutions. A company of Vista Group International Ltd (NZX:VGL, ASX:VGL), it’s revolutionizing the way the film industry interacts with moviegoers.
With a global database of over 100 million moviegoers, 750 million behavioral and transactional records and more than 5000 movie titles, Movio is the world’s most comprehensive source of moviegoer data.
The company’s investment in data science and machine learning has produced market-leading technologies that redefine the possibilities of movie marketing.
Movio empowers marketers to connect moviegoers with their ideal movie via online and offline channels, and link campaign data with actual ticket purchases to close the loop and measure campaign effectiveness.