Chief People Officer Stephanie Werner-Dietz to leave Nokia

Chief People Officer Stephanie Werner-Dietz to leave Nokia

ESPOO, FINLAND: Nokia’s Chief People Officer, Stephanie Werner-Dietz, has informed the company that she will leave and step down from its Group Leadership Team to take up a position in another company.

Her intention is to leave on 31 August 2022. A recruitment process will begin immediately for her successor and further details will be announced in due course.

Stephanie Werner-Dietz joined Nokia in 1998 and was appointed Chief People Officer in January 2020. She has held various HR leadership positions throughout her career in a number of different countries.

Under Stephanie’s leadership Nokia’s People organisation underwent significant transformation to renew its focus on providing a motivated and engaged workforce. She recently unveiled Nokia’s new People strategy which has a strong emphasis on growth, skills and development, and which aims to establish and maintain outstanding technology leadership.

“This was an incredibly difficult decision for me. I have been with Nokia since I graduated, and I am very honoured and grateful for the journey I have made with the company. Nokia will always be a part of me. I’m so proud of what our team has achieved together. I talk a lot about being fearless and taking every opportunity to learn and now feels like the right time for me to make this next move and continue my journey of growth,” said Stephanie Werner-Dietz.

 “While I am saddened to see Stephanie go, I understand and support her wanting to take on a new opportunity after such a long and successful career at Nokia. Her compassion for our employees and her business acumen means she was able to help transform Nokia’s culture. She established the cornerstones for a diverse and inclusive ethos of openness and cooperation, in turn inspiring and enabling best practices, policies and processes. She will be missed by her colleagues and we wish her all the best in her new role,” said Pekka Lundmark, President and Chief Executive Officer.

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