SensOre signs with Unico to scale it’s AI mining technology

SYDNEY AUSTRALIA: SensOre Ltd (ASX: S3N) has executed an agreement with Unico, now part of global IT and business consulting firm CGI, to collaborate on the commercialisation of SensOre’s mining exploration technology platform which was created to improve exploration success rates and performance.

The project represents an opportunity to expand SensOre’s current client services to a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) product.

This contract is an important step in SensOre’s technology development roadmap. SensOre’s existing proprietary AI-enhanced technology is designed to advance the way companies integrate, interrogate and analyse geoscience data and increase the potential for mineral discovery.

It is envisaged that development and deployment of the proprietary platform will open the door to scale the Company’s products and expand SensOre’s capacity to service mineral exploration companies in Australia and overseas, while reducing the Company’s unit cost per engagement.

The project will involve using SensOre’s AI-driven technology to create a digital twin of the Earth’s surface, enhancing the way exploration companies identify and analyse mineral exploration targets.

SensOre Chief Executive Officer Richard Taylor said: “Our background is creating and deploying technology and software that generates exploration targets using AI.

While we have previously focused on Western Australia, a key objective of the Unico partnership is to enhance the pace of our data expansion across the globe.

“This project is a massive opportunity to use our technology to build a model that we believe will be in demand from mining exploration companies around the world.

We are excited about the prospect of a global relationship with CGI to help expand our technology offerings into new markets.”

Unico’s Director of Innovation Evan Harridge said “Imagine being able to analyse an MRI scan of the Earth. SensOre’s AI-driven analysis tools will be able to see what is underground in great detail, similar to how medical imaging technology can accurately see inside the human body. This technology would enable exploration to be more targeted and limit the overall environmental impact.”

Unico is an established Australian technology services business that was recently acquired by CGI, one of the largest technology consulting businesses in the world with more than 80,000 staff.

CGI has a long history offering products and services to the oil, gas and mining sectors and their team of experts will help develop SensOre’s ambitious technology roadmap and growth plan, including expediting plans to expand into North America and other key mining markets.

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