Happy Valley Nutrition Limited CEO Greg Wood to resign

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Happy Valley Nutrition Limited announced that Chief Executive Officer Greg Wood has taken the decision to resign from the Company and the Board.

Since the Company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in early 2020, along with the Board and senior management team in New Zealand, Greg has played an integral role in advancing the development of its state-of-the-art nutritional grade processing facility (The Facility) in Otorohanga, New Zealand, which is now ready for the construction phase. The Board wishes Greg Wood well with his future endeavours.

Greg’s resignation from the Board is immediate and he will continue to work with the Board to ensure a smooth hand-over process during his 3 month notice period.

The Board will undertake a suitable and appropriate replacement strategy immediately. The Board will continue to actively support the New Zealand based management team as the Company advances financing and offtake agreements which are ongoing with a number of parties.

Chairman Ivan Hammerschlag commented: “Over what has been a very challenging two and a half years for many companies given the global pandemic, Greg Wood and his team have delivered critical milestones to the point where we now have a world class, shovel-ready nutritional grade Facility. We are grateful for his commitment. Happy Valley’s management and Board continue to advance finance negotiations and customer offtake agreements which are ongoing and positive”.


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