SBP to launch Asaan Mobile Account
KARACHI, PAKISTAN: The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will be launching a new initiative, Asaan Mobile Account (AMA) on Monday, December 13, 2021, a news release said.
The initiative has been developed under the National Financial Inclusion Strategy with objective to bring further ease in remote account opening under branchless banking.
“This means that the customers would be able to open and operate their accounts in the comfort of their homes, without having to visit the branches, with any of the participating branchless banking providers,” SBP noted.
The solution has been developed through collaboration of SBP, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), 13 Branchless Banking (BB) Providers, all Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs) and Virtual Remittance Gateway (VRG).
For Asaan Mobile Account (AMA), the branchless banking providers and cellular mobile operators are collaborating to deliver an interoperable platform, allowing any Pakistani to open account with a bank.
Asaan Mobile Account (AMA) will play a crucial role in reaching out to the low-income segments that do not have access to internet.
Moreover, AMA will be a perfect conduit to onboard women customer segments as well.