Industries to watch in Q1 of 2022

Industries to watch in Q1 of 2022

The stock market has been in one of its best periods since the financial crisis in 2008. With the market increasing through most of 2021 many investors would like to keep on improving their portfolios. Let’s take a look at some of the industries that you might want to watch in the first quarter of 2022.

Tech industry

Most people use some kind of technology every day, which also makes this one of the most popular industries to invest in. The two largest companies in the world, based on market cap, are Apple and Google. Many companies within this industry have been on the rise in 2021 and 2022 may not be any different. Covid-19 is still affecting society and therefore a lot of people have worked from home in the last two years. This has created a larger demand for software like cloud and video-call services to communicate with colleagues. If you have your own business and don’t know which software to use, you can find the best ones at


Covid-19 has shown how vulnerable our society is when it comes to energy. At the start of the pandemic, a barrel of oil was down to $40. Since the reopening of society, the demand has gone up and therefore also the prices. In Europe and Asia, the price of natural gasses has exploded. This has also led to a general understanding that the use of fossil fuels needs to be brought down even quicker

This means that countries affected, want to invest even more in renewable energy, therefore it might be a good idea to watch companies working within this field. Furthermore, it looks like the natural gas prices will keep rising in 2022

wind mills from air


Even though several vaccines have been approved around the world and almost half of the world’s population have received a vaccination, the fight against Covid-19 is not over. Many experts believe that the disease will be a part of our future society just like the flu. This means that even more medication will need to be developed for the future. Bio-companies are already working on more ways to protect people with pills for vaccination being on the development list at Pfizer. More is yet to come so you might want to have a look at pharmaceutical companies for your 2022 investment. 


Banks accumulated reserves, instead of paying them to the investors, due to the pandemic. This was done since the banks thought that a lot of businesses would go bankrupt and therefore not be able to pay back their loans. However, due to the unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus, these losses never happened. Some of them paid out the reserves in 2021, but many did not as the situation was still unclear. With the interest rates and inflation increasing around most of the world it looks as if the financial sector will have some good years ahead. 

Hopefully, this will help you find your next investment. Always remember that the financial market is unpredictable, and try to read as much about the companies and expert advice before investing. Good luck. 

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