TradeWindow lists on NZX today with ticker ‘TWL’
AUCKLAND: Trade Window Holdings Ltd confirms it is listing on the NZX Main Board on Monday.
The New Zealand founded business is an early-stage software company that provides digital solutions for exporters, importers, freight forwarders and customs brokers to drive productivity, increase connectivity, and enhance visibility.
Its software solutions integrate to form a cohesive digital trade platform underpinned by blockchain. Blockchain technology enables parties to establish trust and securely transact over the internet.
TradeWindow Chair Alasdair MacLeod said the business is committed to delivering the vision of connecting all parties across global supply chains to deliver trusted and seamless end-to-end digital trade.
“Trade is the lifeblood of economies around the world and we’re proud to facilitate trade for many of the organisations that make up the back-bone of our economy, ” Mr MacLeod said.
TradeWindow is not raising capital or issuing shares in conjunction with the Listing.
As an early-stage software business, TradeWindow expects to raise capital in the future for funding acquisitions, expansion and general operating expenses.
The Company has not provided any forecast financial information in the Listing Profile, and any future capital raising will likely be prior to the Company reaching cash breakeven.