What Does Every Business Owner Need to Know Before Renting an Office?

It’s happening – you’ve thought about it, decided, and then thought about it again: you’re renting an office for your business. This is a big and important step for any company, that can lead to many exciting things. However, there are a lot of important decisions that need to be made along the way. This guide will help you to get the ball rolling, and to be confident that you are making the best choice for your business.

What Does Every Business Owner Need to Know Before Renting an Office?

Tips for renting an office

Consult An Expert

While you’ve probably dealt with some sort of rental agent previously, most likely for your personal living accommodations, you may want to consider hiring an expert when planning to renting an office space. The terminology used in rental agreements and other real estate documentation can be confusing.

Renting an office or business space usually means a higher lease rate than a residence, and this financial responsibility means you want to be fully aware of what your contract entails before you sign. Additionally, working with an expert can help you to find options you may not have considered, and get you the best bang for your buck as leasing agents will know how to work the system to your advantage. 


Location, location, location! We’ve all heard this popular turn-a-phrase in relation to real estate. Finding the right location for your business comes down to more than just reasonable enjoyment; it can make or break your business and have a direct impact on the measure of your success. Location not only refers to the geographical location and setting of the property, but it can also involve the accessibility of the space. You want easy street access for all including those with disabilities, but also must consider accessibility in the visual sense so that your customers have no trouble finding you.

You also want to consider what other businesses are in the area and how you may compete with one another. Unless you’re on a highly trafficked street in a busy city, opening a coffee shop two doors away from another probably won’t be too great for business. Alternatively, if you own a small tech startup, it is common for startups to gather in areas like Vintage City Offices, and proximity won’t matter much as the majority of your business is done online. Chances are you are familiar with how proximity to similar businesses works in your field, so use your best judgement.

Nearby Amenities

Location also relates to the surrounding area and the sort of amenities you’ll have access to. Having shops, restaurants and cafes nearby is a considerable perk for your staff. Depending on the nature of your business, possibly for client lunches too. Restaurants and coffee shops can double as meeting spaces if your office doesn’t have the space to accommodate. This can be a good way to save a bit of money on your monthly rent. Having access to other conveniences like public transportation, communal bicycles, bike storage, and parking are important aspects to consider for staff and clients alike. Seemingly small things like these go a long way toward creating great work experiences for your staff. 

Digital Accessibility

One thing that is a commonly forgotten but hugely important part of most businesses is digital accessibility. No matter what sort of business you’re in, you’ve probably seen the effects of technological change on your business to some degree over the last decade. Even if the majority of your business may not rely on digital tools, there’s a high likelihood that your customers access you via telephone, email, or social media. Learning about digital accessibility in your potential new office space is as important as checking the electrical or the plumbing, and there are professionals that encourage you to learn about what services telecom companies provide in the area and how reliable their phone and Internet services are before you sign on the dotted line. This can save you lots of money, resources, and eliminate headaches down the road.

The Landlord’s Role

Another easy oversight is the role of the landlord. It’s important to start your relationship off right with the landlord so that when issues do arise, you can be sure that your business will be taken care of. Get familiar with tenant rights, and discuss ahead of time with your potential landlord. You can also get insight from your leasing agent, as well as other tenants. Think about the time and other resources you may have to put into maintenance and repairs, and how that will come at the business’s expense. Before you sign anything, you should confirm that the building adheres to and meets local regulations so that you don’t face any safety issues or legal headaches down the road. You may also wish to confirm whether the property owner or manager has landlord insurance so that if any damages occur while you occupy the property there is a greater guarantee of effective resolution in a reasonable timeframe. 

The Perfect Size

Finding the perfect office space means finding something that will suit your business needs now, but should also include room for growth. While your company may be under 10 employees now, where do you foresee it going in two years? Five years? Will there be space to add new employees? How are you arranging the office? Will you build or use existing offices or opt for cubicles and workstations? What does the budget permit for? If you add new employees, how will this change the layout and the way your staff operate? Moving offices is a huge undertaking once things are settled, and in many cases, this goes beyond the actual work of moving and directly relates to your customers’ understanding of you. You want to make the space as enjoyable as possible for now, but it’s also important to think of the direction in which your business is headed and if your new office should be a part of your long-term plan.

five laptops on a table

It’s an exciting yet overwhelming time when you decide for renting an office space. Meeting the existing needs of your company can seem like a challenge, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to begin. However, with the right tools and guidance, you can get the new start you’ve been dreaming of!

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