5 Career Benefits Of An Information Technology Degree

Let’s talk first about what information technology is

information technology

IT technologies or information and communication technologies are technologies that collect information and technologies for sorting, processing, storing, distributing and providing it using technical devices. Also, the field of information technology includes the resources required for these processes.

Although in the broad sense of the word Information Technology (IT) is not limited to computer technologies, they are associated mainly with computers, because it was computers that brought the IT sphere to a new level.

Does an IT specialist need a diploma?

In almost every discussion of IT education, the question arises: Do you need a diploma for a career in IT. Many people cite the example of Bill Gates – the creator of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg – the founder of the Facebook network – both of them at one time left their studies at Harvard University. The words of the ambitious Elon Musk are often recalled: “I will hire any capable person in my company, regardless of whether he has a diploma or not.” Although he himself has a bachelor’s degree, he at the same time questions the value of higher education with his statements.

Representatives of the Information Technology (IT) sector are more loyal to the lack of a diploma, compared to government officials.

If you are applying for the position of a junior developer / designer / tester, then you need to show practical skills and your desire for self-study. The presence of a diploma in this case will be an additional bonus.

Most employers are not interested in your grades in the diploma, but at the same time there are companies for which this moment is important. In any case, a young specialist will have to be taught on the job, and first of all soft skills are valued: communication, the ability to work in a team, flexibility of thinking, multitasking, the presence of critical thinking, the ability to draw correct conclusions and make decisions, the ability to adapt to new conditions.

Employers also pay attention to experience and (hard skills) – a set of abilities, skills, skills, knowledge. Unlike soft skills, they can be demonstrated, measured quantitatively and even qualitatively.

Here are 5 reasons why education and a diploma are still important and what advantages it gives:

  1. The university provides basic knowledge, on the basis of which additional education can be obtained. The diploma gives the opportunity to enter postgraduate studies and get an academic degree.
  2. Training helps to improve soft skills, broaden horizons, and develop the emotional component.
  3. Having a diploma speaks about the way of thinking, the dedication of the graduate and the ability to bring the matter to the end, which will only be a plus at the moment of your hiring.
  4. In the absence of work experience, completed projects and other things being equal, the one who has a diploma will be chosen from two candidates, which is also an undoubted advantage. In many companies, having a diploma remains thus an important condition for hiring. Some employers even pay attention to the GPA of the diploma.
  5. Many positions are “closed” without education, including leadership positions.

A diploma, both now and before, was not important in entrepreneurship, trade, tourism, marketing, the fashion industry, and the entertainment sector. For many creative specialties (copywriter, writer, designer, photographer) it is also not required – it is more important to have a portfolio here.

Certain professions in the field of information technology and website promotion (SMM specialist, content manager, SEO specialist) can rely on the fact that the employer will not be interested in having a higher education.

If you have a stock of knowledge and skills, are well versed in some area, apply for vacancies, go to interviews. And you can get a diploma (if one is later required) through correspondence or distance learning.

Also, among the advantages of owning a higher education diploma are the following:

  • The opportunity to have faster career growth, which can help you get more profit from your job.
  • Employees who have a diploma from a higher education institution are more favorably disposed by their superiors, which means they can develop closer ties with their superiors.
  • The success of any person’s careers depends on the availability of experience and knowledge, and higher education provides knowledge that, alas, cannot be obtained through experience for a worker. This should not be forgotten by professionals in many areas.

Today the labor market is becoming more flexible and employers value the relevance of candidates’ knowledge and their specific skills. Forms are actively gaining popularity when, after online training and advanced training, the applicant finds a vacancy with the requirement for these specific skills, and immediately applies them in practice.

Here, for example, in Google instead of a diploma, you need to have:

  • work experience (which you can get during your studies);
  • feeling of belonging, ability to work in a team;
  • desire to self-develop;
  • ability to make decisions, take responsibility;
  • desire and ability to learn (characterizes the mental abilities of a person, the ability to assimilate new knowledge).


As Elon Musk says, now you can learn everything through online lessons, on the YouTube channel and on special portals. If you dream of becoming the best Information Technology (IT) professional, you must not keep up with new technologies. To do this, you need to participate in ongoing courses at the company where you work or learn new skills through the workflow.  

Today, it is more difficult than ever to get a job and the requirements are higher and higher, so do not forget – the more documented evidence you have of your abilities, the better your chances.

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