Kazatomprom announces departure of CEO

Kazatomprom announces departure of CEO

LONDON, UK: JSC National Atomic Company (Kazatomprom) announced that Galymzhan Pirmatov, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), will be departing from his role effective 2 September 2021 to pursue another opportunity.

Mr. Mazhit Sharipov, who is currently Kazatomprom’s Chief Nuclear Fuel Cycle Officer, will be appointed as acting CEO.

“On behalf of Samruk-Kazyna, I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Pirmatov for his dedication and for the considerable value he has added to the Company during his time at Kazatomprom,” stated Mr. Almassadam Satkaliyev, Chief Executive Officer of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

“The industry-specific expertise and commitment to safely delivering exceptional results was invaluable, and he will be missed. Speaking both personally and for the Fund, I would like to pass on best wishes for future success.”

“Mr. Pirmatov, with his decades of leadership experience in both the Kazakh and international business communities, has been instrumental in guiding the development of Kazatomprom’s value-focused strategy over the past four years,” said Neil Longfellow, Chair of Kazatomprom’s Board of Directors.

“As CEO, his experience and expertise enhanced the Company’s profile and reputation, especially leading up to our successful initial public offering on the London and Astana stock exchanges, in 2018.

“Along with prioritizing employee safety in all aspects of the Company’s operations, something that has been particularly critical amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Pirmatov has consistently emphasized the importance of strong governance, transparency, and the need to think longer-term by incorporating sustainability and ESG into our decisions at every level.

The Board, along with the members of Mr. Pirmatov’s management team, would like to sincerely thank him for his significant contributions to the Company, and for the value he has added to the uranium industry and to the nuclear sector as a whole. We wish him the absolute best on his next journey.”

“I am grateful to the leadership of the country for having trusted in my ability to effectively lead the Company,” said Mr. Pirmatov, “it has been a great privilege to guide Kazatomprom through very challenging times, not only for the Company, but for the entire international nuclear industry.

“I would like to thank the entire team, with whom it has been an honour to work with. I am very proud of the great results we have achieved during these past four years, and I am certain they will continue to generate value and exceed stakeholder expectations.

I would also like to thank our board chair, Mr. Longfellow, and the entire Board and Samruk-Kazyna for their support. Our board of directors is as diverse and as strong as ever, so I am comforted to be leaving the Company with a strong board and executive team in place, to lead the organization through an interesting time in the uranium sector.”

Mazhit Sharipov, who has been with Kazatomprom since 2015, brings a great deal of leadership and expertise, having served in numerous government and private sector roles over his 31-year career. Those roles have included Director of the Department of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Industry at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Department of Atomic Energy and Industry at the Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Committee.


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