Arribatec awarded 5 year software contract with major European cruise liner

OSLO: IB (Arribatec Marine Solutions), a subsidiary of Arribatec Solutions ASA, has been awarded a five-year Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) contract with a major European based Cruise Liner for a total of 17 cruise ships.
“We´re pleased to announce that our state-of-the-art marine solutions are gaining traction in the market, now selected by one of the largest European based Cruise Liners,” a news release said.
The agreement is for the delivery of the complete InfoSHIP suite of software consisting of Asset, Procurement, Quality & Safety, Electronic LogBooks and Performance monitoring.
“This contract proves the quality and the value our InfoShip solutions deliver to the maritime sector. There are many competitors, and many of them fairly new in the market, especially within Performance monitoring, but we have been in the market for several years already and with proven solutions,“ says Per Ronny Stav, CEO of Arribatec.
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The Arribatec subsidiary IB, a leading international provider of cloud-based Enterprise Asset Management solutions within the maritime sector, has entered into an agreement to provide InfoShip SaaS solutions to one of the largest European based Cruise Liners.
The five-year agreement has a value of € 2.7 million, Software as a Service only. All services will be delivered on a time & material basis and is also estimated to be of significant value over the coming years.
“Our focus on driving digitalization and cost optimization for the entire maritime industry are further revitalized and trust established globally under the ownership of Arribatec,” says Giampiero Soncini, SVP & MD of IB/Arribatec Marine Solutions