GeoJunxion CEO Thierry Jaccoud resigns
AMSTERDAM: GeoJunxion announced today that its CEO, Thierry Jaccoud will resign at the end of May 2021.

Thierry Jaccoud, CEO and Managing Director of GeoJunxion N.V., has decided to resign from both roles at the end of May 2021 for personal and family related reasons.
Ivo Vleeschouwers, CFO, will take over the CEO function starting June 1st, combining the two positions until a successor can be appointed. “We are confident that we can be successful in that respect in the not-too-distant future,” a news release said.
Under the leadership of Mr. Jaccoud and Mr. Vleeschouwers, GeoJunxion has transformed from a traditional digital map supplier, focused on one-off large deals, to a premium location content and location intelligent service provider, with a subscription based, recurring “data as a service” revenue model.
Thierry Jaccoud stated: “It has been a fantastic experience to be so instrumental in the turn-around of the company. I am very happy we have redesigned the organization and identified a new direction to foster safety and sustainability for the future. For personal reasons, I have now decided to pursue a new opportunity in order to be near my family in Germany and overcome the ongoing travel restrictions caused by COVID-19.”
With the new direction set and the first positive results received, I am confident in the company’s future. I am leaving it in the very capable hands of the leadership team, that will drive the company further along the path we have identified.
I want to thank the board, all employees, customers, and investors for their ongoing trust in GeoJunxion.”
GeoJunxion is the crossroads where fundamental, location-aware content connects with superior, customised intelligence and highly focused innovations to empower exceptional experiences.
GeoJunxion NV is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Amsterdam, under the symbol GOJXN.AS.