Lleida.net listed on the Euronext Tech Croissance index of the European stock exchange
PARIS: Lleida.net has been included in the Euronext Tech Croissance index of the pan-European stock exchange, the index that brings together the leading technology companies in that market.

The index includes the largest capitalised and most liquid technology companies with a minimum daily average liquidity of EUR 10,000 and a capitalisation of between EUR 25 million and EUR 1 billion.
“The fact that the European markets recognise Lleida.net’s capacity as a leading company in the certified electronic signature and notification industry, only two and a half years after being listed in Paris, recognises our international capacity”, explained Sisco Sapena, CEO of the company, and its founder in 1995.
Lleida.net was listed in Paris on 19 December 2018 with a share price of 1.02 euros per share. At the close of trading yesterday, the company’s shares were trading at €6.20, having reached a high of €13.60 in 2020.
Over the past 52 weeks, the company’s value has appreciated by almost 500 per cent, according to Euronext data.
The company’s board of directors approved a 25 per cent increase in the dividend payout and the launch of a new treasury stock plan at the AGM.
The company, a European leader in the certified electronic signature and notification industry, is listed in Paris (Euronext Growth), Madrid (BME Growth) and New York (OTCQX Best Markets), and has more than 3,000 investors.
Euronext Growth is the Euronext marketplace that enables small and medium-sized companies to access European capital.
It is a pan-European exchange, based in Amsterdam, resulting from the merger of the Paris, Brussels, Oslo, Lisbon, Dublin and Amsterdam stock exchanges. It also includes Euronext LIFFE (London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange), the international market for financial futures and options in London.
ALSO READ: Canadian and Taiwanese authorities grant Lleida.net three new patents
With 203 patents worldwide, Lleida.net has one of the largest intellectual property portfolios in the market.
Currently, more than 75 countries recognise the legal validity of Lleida.net’s electronic methods as a means of certifying legal notifications in contracting processes.