Sky welcomes Commerce Commission clearance for OSB sale

AUCKLAND: Sky New Zealand (SKT) confirmed that the Commerce Commission has granted clearance for NEP New Zealand to purchase the assets of Outside Broadcasting Limited (OSB).
Sky Chief Executive Sophie Moloney welcomed the positive decision. “Our new partnership with NEP, which includes a ten-year services agreement, ensures that Sky will continue to deliver world-class sport coverage to our customers.
Working with NEP, we will be able to bring to New Zealand’s shores the best advancements in the Outside Broadcast (OB) technology world, without incurring those substantial costs ourselves.”
The transaction involves the sale of six High Definition OB units and equipment and reflects Sky’s objective to become a more capital efficient business, working with partners such as NEP to ensure Sky can continue to deliver the best content experiences to its customers.
The remaining terms of the transaction, purchase price and the services agreement, are confidential between the parties.
NEP and Sky will now confirm the transition process with their teams.