Jordan Guocheng Li appointed Executive Chairman of Golden Cross Resources

Jordan Guocheng Li appointed Executive Chairman of Golden Cross Resources 1

SYDNEY: Golden Cross Resources announced the appointment of Jordan Guocheng Li, MBA, FAusIMM, MAICD as the Executive Chairman of the Company.

He has been an Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Company.Jordan has extensive work experience in Australia, Asia-Pacific including China and Africa as Managing Director, Director, Chief Executive Officer, Strategy Manager and Commercial General Manager at several public and private companies including Aurizon Group, International Base Metals Limited (IBML), Macquarie Gold Limited (MGL), Zamia Metals Limited (ZGM), Zamia Resources, and Fairfax Media.

He held senior policy officer and steering committee officer positions at both Australian state government and Chinese central government departments. His 27 years’ management experience and connections span across exploration and mine planning, feasibility studies, mergers & acquisitions, gold & copper mine operation, metals market analysis, commodity trading, corporate finance, etc.

Jordan is a Fellow Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM), and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD). He also set up in Sydney, as Chairman, the Australia China Chamber of Mines and Minerals (ACCOMM) to bridge the two markets. He holds an MBA degree from AGSM, the joint business school of the University of NSW and the University of Sydney.

The Board is encouraged by Jordan’s new executive role, and warmly looks forward to working closely with him under his chairmanship.

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