Juha Volotinen leaves Aktia Bank
HELSINKI: Juha Volotinen, Aktia Bank’s Chief Information Officer, has given notice of his resignation from the company. He will leave his duties during March 2021.
Volotinen has worked at Aktia since 2010 and has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2017.
“During the past years, Juha Volotinen has played a significant role in the development of Aktia’s data governance. I want to thank Juha for his long-time and determined work for the good of Aktia and I wish him prosperity for the future”, says Aktia’s CEO, Mikko Ayub.
Aktia will immediately start a process for recruiting a successor.
Aktia is a Finnish asset manager, bank and life insurer that has been creating wealth and wellbeing from one generation to the next for 200 years. www.aktia.com