Derek Handley to step down from Sky Board

AUCKLAND: Sky New Zealand has announced that Derek Handley will step down from the Board on Friday 15 January 2021.
Mr Handley has served as a Director of Sky for seven years, including as a member of the People and Performance, and Audit Committees. He joined the Sky Board in 2013 whilst living in New York and having returned to New Zealand in 2018 Mr Handley has now chosen to reduce his board and advisory roles to focus on more hands-on engagements and projects.
Mr Handley said: “Having overcome many challenges towards transformation, Sky is in a great position to deliver on its strategy with Sophie Moloney at the helm of a great team.”
Chairman Philip Bowman thanked Derek for his contribution to Sky. “Derek has brought a perspective around digital transformation, people and culture to the Board. On behalf of the Board and Sky shareholders I thank him for his contribution, and his passion for Sky.”
Mr Bowman added: “The board is already reviewing the mix of skills and experience required of directors during a period of rapid change in the media sector. The Board will assess when to seek to appoint a director to replace Mr Handley as part of this ongoing process of renewal”.