Immuron Limited
Immuron Limited is a biotechnology company based in Melbourne, Australia. In 2008 Anadis changed its name to Immuron Ltd.
The company focused on antigen-primed, dairy-derived health products. Immuron’s proprietary technology enables it to rapidly develop polyclonal antibody and other proteins-based solutions to a range of important diseases.
Immuron specialises in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and related therapeutic technology products, including oral and GI mucositis, routine and avian influenza, E. coli travellers’ diarrhoea (TD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and Anthrax containment.
In 2005, Anadis signed an agreement with Quebec’s Baralex Inc. and Valeo Pharma Inc. for distribution of Travelan, a product by Anadis, in Canadian market.