PainChek granted patent in China

PainChek granted patent in China 1
Approval provides protection in large international market

SYDNEY: PainChek Ltd, developer of the world’s first smartphone-based pain assessment and monitoring application, has received a patent in China for its pain assessment invention, a news release said.

The Company received notification that the Chinese Patent Office had accepted its application, following on from the receipt of similar protection for its intellectual property (IP) in Australia, the US and Japan.

It provides PainChek with exclusive rights to making, using, selling or importing the invention in China until 18 August 2035.

PainChek is the world’s first smartphone pain assessment and monitoring device. The app automatically assesses pain via artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology. Research shows it is already driving higher quality aged care and improved pain management in residential settings around Australia.

PainChek CEO Philip Daffas said: “We are really pleased to receive this patent for our technology in China as this represents a new, large market opportunity for PainChek. Having this IP protection in China is an important part of our strategy as we look to grow in overseas markets.”

The Company has also applied for patents in the United Kingdom and Europe and is awaiting acceptance of these. PainChek is used in more than 700 aged care facilities around the world, with Australia being its largest market to date. Its total client numbers have grown more than 500% in the past financial year.

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