TRACEsafe secures Hong Kong government orders for its contact tracing and self-quarantine monitoring technology
TORONTO: Blockchain Holdings Ltd. announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary TRACEsafe Technologies Inc. has secured additional orders of its contact tracing and self-quarantine monitoring technology with the Hong Kong Office of Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO).
Tracesafe’s health and safety wearables are designed to be deployed in virtually any setting in which crowd monitoring is necessary by providing real-time contact tracing for corporations, businesses, educational institutions, sports leagues and concert venues around the world as countries loosen lock-down restrictions and restart their economies and societies.
TRACEsafe’s technology can contribute to a safer return to work for businesses and employees. The technology can also be deployed by governments around the world to support their selfquarantine programs.
TRACEsafe disposable bracelets have been in use in Hong Kong since the end of March to assist the OGCIO manage and enforce its quarantine program for foreign visitors and returning citizens.
The Hong Kong OGCIO has been issuing TRACEsafe bracelets at a rate of hundreds to thousands per day since they began deploying the technology.
TRACEsafe’s innovative suite of wearable health and safety products include a bracelet with integrated bluetooth beacon and related software to track the wearer’s location. It was developed and deployed for maternity wards and senior citizen’s housing but has been transformed to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the development of an effective treatment or vaccine, it is expected that ongoing COVID-19 contact tracing and quarantine could be required for at least the next 12-24 months, and possibly longer if the virus proves to be seasonal.
“We are pleased at the ongoing adoption of TRACEsafe’s technology in Hong Kong and their most recent volume shipments are a testament to its success. We are very happy to continue working hand in hand with Hong Kong authorities to thwart the spread of Covid-19,” explained Dennis Kwan, CEO of TRACEsafe. “TRACEsafe is a critical tool to not only manage quarantine, but to provide a safer environment through real-time contact tracing in so many aspects of society, from work spaces to live audience venues, such as sports and concerts, to schools and universities. We are proud that TRACEsafe can help the world safely re-open.”
TRACEsafe is a proprietary self-quarantine management monitoring system which registers a user through a wrist tag.