MelodyVR successfully completes Good Morning America broadcast

LONDON: EVR Holdings, the leading creator of virtual reality entertainment content and operator of the MelodyVR platform, announced streaming statistics in connection with MelodyVR’s partnership with American Broadcasting Companies (ABC) and Good Morning America (GMA) to deliver a milestone media event on August 30th: a live, immersive broadcast of GMA’s Summer Concert Series, featuring Mashmello and Kane Brown live from New York’s Central Park.

This first-of-a-kind broadcast, which simultaneously featured across national television and in 360/virtual reality, received over 100,000 live streams via the MelodyVR app alone. The broadcast repeated throughout the United States, in tandem with the airing of Good Morning America (GMA) in additional timezones, seeing fans access the MelodyVR platform on EST, CST, MST and PST time and throughout all 50 US States. The content was also simulataneously consumed by users in 14 additional countries across the globe.

In the week prior to the event, multiple segments, including live on-air showcases took place on GMA, reaching a live TV audience in excess of 4 million daily viewers. A promotional segment on Melody, was also broadcast on a large number of ABC’s 238 affiliate channels across the US, reaching tens of millions of additional US consumers.

The successful event harnessed the combined social media following of Marshmello, Kane Brown and GMA, which was in excess of 62 million and this has extensively increased brand awareness of the MelodyVR platform in the United States and beyond. With the on-demand show now live and accessable on MelodyVR, fans can go back and re-live the performance again and again.

Anthony Matchett, CEO and Executive Chairman of EVR Holdings said: “The simultaneous broadcast of Marshmello and Kane Brown’s performance as part of GMA’s summer concert series was a world first for both traditional television broadcast and for MelodyVR.

The event was extremely successful and has subsequently exposed MelodyVR to millions of households, spanning all corners of the United States, endorsed by prominent featuring across America’s #1 morning TV show. We look forward to working more closely with both ABC and Good Morning America (GMA) in future.”

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