Alphalogic Techsys and Transpact Enterprises gets listed on BSE startups platform

MUMBAI: Alphalogic Techsys Limited and Transpact Enterprises Limited became the first companies to get listed on the BSE Startups Platform on September 5, 2019.

On December 22, 2018, BSE had become the first stock exchange to get the approval from SEBI and launch its Startups platform.

Alphalogic Techsys Limited is a Maharashtra-based company whose registered office is at Pune. The company is engaged in the business operations which may broadly be categorized as technology services and technology solutions.

They provide their clients with Technology Consulting services, offering end-to-end technology solutions and support. Clients range from start-ups to established companies, engaged in Healthcare, Saas Software, E-commerce, Fintech, Social Networking, and other industries. Kolkata-based Finshore Management Services Limited was the lead manager for Alphalogic Techsys Limited

Transpact Enterprises Limited is a Maharashtra-based company whose registered office is at Mumbai. It is a MedTech startup with a focus to provide innovative, cost-effective and comprehensive solutions, products with strategic partnerships and collaborative relationships to help especially abled people to transcend their barriers.Mumbai-based Aryaman Financial Services Limited was the lead manager for Transpact Enterprises Limited.

The above companies listed on BSE Startups Platform have raised Rs. 7.53 crore from the market and total market capitalization of these companies as on September 5, 2019 is 28.33 crore. BSE is the market leader in this segment with a market share of 100 percent.

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