Arabtec appoints Wail Farsakh as Group Chief Operating Officer
DUBAI: Arabtec Holding PJSC, a leading contractor for social and economic infrastructure, has announced the appointment of Wail Farsakh as Group Chief Operating Officer.
Wail has over 33 years’ experience in the UAE starting as a structural engineer, progressing to General Manager of Dutco Balfour Beatty (currently known as DBB Contracting). In this time, Wail has delivered civil, marine, roads, retail, residential and hospitality projects. Wail holds a Bachelor and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from University of Iowa and an MBA from Bradford University.
Group Chief Executive Officer, Peter Pollard commented: “I am delighted that Wail Farsakh has joined us on the journey to re-establish Arabtec as a leading contracting company in the region. Wail’s track record demonstrates he is prepared to make the long-term commitment needed to build a sustainable business.
With over 33 years’ experience working in the UAE, Wail Farsakh will play a key role in building our presence in social and economic infrastructure. His experience across most contracting sectors will be important to integrating the Group’s operating companies into a more seamless contracting business.”