CPB Contractors secures NZ$221mn Auckland Airport works

SINGAPORE: CIMIC Group’s company CPB Contractors has reached contractual close to deliver Auckland Airport’s Taxiway Mike and Remote Stands Stage 2 project, a critical component in the facility’s major capital works program, a release issued to Singapore Exchange (SGX) noted.
The project is expected to be completed by October 2021, and will generate revenue to CPB Contractors of approximately NZ$221 million over the next two years.
Works include construction of an additional taxiway, extension of an existing taxiway and six remote stands with in-ground jet fuel reticulation, as part of a major expansion at New Zealand’s largest and busiest airport.
CIMIC Group Chief Executive Officer Michael Wright said: “New Zealand remains an important focus for the CIMIC Group as we expand our delivery of infrastructure to benefit communities now and into the future.“
The Auckland Airport works are an important addition to our strong portfolio of transport and social infrastructure projects across the country.”
CPB Contractors Managing Director Juan Santamaria said: “CPB Contractors has a strong and experienced team in New Zealand and we’re proud to include Auckland Airport as a new client.“We look forward to working closely with Auckland Airport to deliver this important project safely and efficiently.”