Why CBD Disposable Vape Pens Make Vaping Easier

In less than a decade, vaping has gone from being an almost unheard-of hobby to something that most people have at least tried, if not do regularly.

For many people vaping is seen as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. And while this is how the vaping trend started, it has influenced a culture of its own. Specifically, vaping has opened up a whole new way of consuming and benefiting from hemp CBD.

Thousands of CBD products for vaping are available on the market, giving customers complete freedom to customize their vaping habits. Among the many options available to customers is whether to opt for reusable vape pens or disposable ones.

Both CBD vape pen options have their benefits, and in a world where sustainability is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, it might seem like reusable vape pens are the best option. However, this is not always the case, and there are actually many advantages to choosing disposable vape pens.

What are the fundamental differences between these two products, and how are disposable vape pens making vaping easier?

The Main Differences Between Reusable and Disposable Vape Pens

Both reusable and disposable vape pens are ultimately doing the same thing. Both products are turning CBD vape oils into a vapor that can then be inhaled, providing an enjoyable flavor and a healthy dose of CBD.

The main differences are in the setup and how the product is handled after use.

Reusable CBD vape products tend to require a little more knowledge and confidence to use correctly. At the same time, disposable vape pens are generally ready to be used straight out of the packaging.

The same is true after using the vape pen. With disposable pens, they can simply be thrown away, while reusable pens require maintenance and cleaning.

Top Three Benefits of Disposable Vape Pens

#1 Low Cost

Vaping CBD can be an expensive hobby, especially compared to trying other CBD products. Good reusable vape pens that will last can be expensive; this often puts people off, especially new users. 

Disposable vape pens tend to be much cheaper as they are made from lower-quality materials that are not designed to last beyond one use. This is not to say that the quality of the CBD eliquid is low. Most brands use the same oils across both their reusable and disposable products.

Disposable vape pens are often the better option for someone trying vaping for the first time. The cost of disposable vape pens is generally around the same price as other one-time-use CBD products.

#2 Quick and Easy to Use

Another significant advantage of disposable vape pens is that they can be used straight out of the box. The pen comes preloaded with vape oil that has already been carefully measured out so that the consumer knows precisely how much CBD they are inhaling.

Some reusable vape pens require the user to measure their own vape liquids and load them into their vape pen. Even after use, disposable pens are more accessible as they can be thrown away, while reusable pens must be emptied and cleaned ready for subsequent use.

Disposable pens are suited to those who are new to vaping as they require less of an understanding of how the pen works and how to measure out CBD oils. Disposable pens are also great for people seeking a super quick way to vape CBD and those who value convenience. 

#3 Discreet

Disposable pens tend to be much smaller than reusable pens, making them more discreet and suitable for use in busy settings.

Vape pen design has drastically improved in the last few years. Thanks to modern technology, many pens are now ultra-sleek and small, allowing users to easily keep them in a pocket or small bag. 

Equally, as disposable pens don’t require measuring, the overall vaping experience can be a quick affair.

The Negatives of Choosing Disposable Vape Pens

While disposable vape pens have many advantages, there are also a few downsides and reasons why many people still choose the reusable option.

One of the main issues is sustainability, as disposable pens create much more waste. For people who use CBD vape pens regularly, the cost of investing in a reusable pen is often worth it to cut down on the daily waste being created.

Another downside is that while disposable pens are convenient, they leave very little room for customization. More experienced users often prefer the ability to measure out and make their own CBD oil blends, something that is not possible with disposable pens.

Both disposable and reusable vape pens are great products that allow for CBD to be consumed in a fun way. Whether the ease and convenience of disposable pens outweigh the negatives very much depends on the individual user and how often they vape.