Belluscura supports rationale for wider oxygen use
LONDON, U.K: Belluscura plc, a leading medical device developer focused on lightweight and portable oxygen enrichment technology, welcomes the recent statement issued by the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) on the rationale for home use of oxygen coverage beyond cluser headacheds.
In response to the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed decision on the appropriate use of oxygen for cluster headaches and expanding coverage for the home use of oxygen, CHEST, a worldwide community of over 19,000 clinicians advancing patient care in chest medicine, submitted rationale to CMS to expand the home use of oxygen.
The rationale was joined by several other major healthcare organizations including the American Association for Respiratory Care, American Lung Association, COPD Foundation and the American Thoracic Society.
A key rationale for expanding the ability of practitioner is to allow:
“… maximum flexibility of the treating practitioner to determine clinically appropriate oxygen use based on medical need, without the patient having to first try and fail other therapeutic alternatives, is an important change and one that can help improve overall patient care.”
The entire rationale can be found on the CHEST website:
Robert Rauker, Belluscura CEO, commented: “This CHEST rationale, following on so closely from the CMS proposals, highlights the expanding demand for home Oxygen, and the increasing opportunity for Belluscura’s novel oxygen concentrator technology. Shareholders will be kept fully updated on developments from CHEST and CMS.”