Aleph Group joins UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition to promote digital skills

DUBAI, UAE: Aleph Group, Inc, a digital advertising company, has announced its partnership with UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition, a multi-sector initiative to ensure the continuity and transformation of learning during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aleph’s social initiative, Digital Ad Expert, will support UNESCO’s Global Skills Academy, which aims to help ten million young people build skills for employability and resilience by 2029.

Digital Ad Expert is a skills-based education platform that provides students with the fundamentals they need to manage digital advertising channels and campaigns. The platform has already launched its Digital Ad Certificate programme and Train the Trainers course in Grenada, where it has reached about 200 students and 50 trainers. The programmes are aligned with Grenada’s National Sustainable Development Plan 2020-2035, which seeks to create a vibrant, dynamic, and competitive economy through expanding training opportunities.

Gaston Taratuta, CEO & Founder at Aleph Group, Inc, said that the partnership with UNESCO will help local communities and economies unlock huge economic opportunities through digital literacy. He added that Digital Ad Expert has the potential to become the world’s leading skills-based digital advertising education platform.

Borhene Chakroun, Director of Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems Division at UNESCO, praised the positive impact of the Digital Ad Certificate programme in Grenada and expressed his excitement to expand the efforts to other countries. He said that the partnership with Aleph will unlock the potential of digital skills for economic growth and sustainable development.

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