6 Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Accidents and unforeseen incidents can disrupt our lives, leaving physical, emotional, and financial consequences in their wake. From motor vehicle accidents to slips and falls, medical malpractice to product liability, understanding these common scenarios is crucial for both victims and their legal representation.
If you are considering hiring the best personal injury lawyer, then it’s essential to understand the different types of personal injuries that could be involved in litigation.
This blog post will examine the six most common types of personal injury cases. Read on to learn more about the six major categories of personal injury cases.
1) Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
In 2020 alone, more than 1.5 million car collisions happened. These personal injury cases encompass various subtypes:
- Auto accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Trucking accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Uber/ride-sharing accidents
Claimants should possess a police report, insurance details, and medical records when seeking compensation for their losses and damages. To understand your rights and options available, it is advisable to consult a car accident attorney.
2) Workplace Injuries
Workplace injuries include:
- Contact with moving objects
- Vehicle-related accidents
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Trips, slips, and falls
- Back-related injuries
Typically, workplace injury claims result in workers receiving compensation through workers’ compensation insurance. However, certain exceptions to this norm exist:
- The employer failed to secure compensation insurance
- An employer or a third party causes intentional injuries
- Damages resulting from defective products, toxic substances, or on-site accidents caused by someone who’s not an employer
In some states, workers can sue their employers in civil court for willful injury or gross negligence leading to workplace injuries.
3) Dog and Animal Bites
In most states, victims of dog bites have the right to protect themselves from a dog attack, sometimes requiring defensive actions for the dog to halt the attack. However, specific states follow the “one bite” rule, absolving dog owners of liability until they know their dog’s aggression.
Note: The dog owner is not liable for injuries if the dog attacks someone while committing a crime.
4) Product Liability
Product liability claims arise when an individual is injured due to a product with a manufacturing defect or design flaw. Establishing liability involves demonstrating the presence of defects in design, manufacturing, or warnings.
Some examples of potentially hazardous products include:
- Dangerous drugs
- Medical devices
- Food
- Toxic materials and chemicals
- Defective vehicle parts
- Children’s products
A significant product liability lawsuit in the US was the Philip Morris case. In 2002, a lung cancer patient sued Philip Morris, claiming smoking caused her disease, but they failed to provide adequate warnings. Philip Morris was fined $850,000 and had to pay $28 billion in punitive penalties.
5) Slip and fall accidents
It might surprise you to learn that over a million people visit the emergency room each year due to slip and fall accidents. The property owner may occasionally be liable for the victim’s injuries. The property owner has the responsibility to keep the property free of danger and to rectify any hazardous situation that may cause injury to anyone.
Slip and fall lawsuits can be challenging. Get in touch with a personal injury attorney if you think a property owner’s neglect of their property contributed to a slip and fall accident that hurt you.
6) Medical malpractice
Claims of medical malpractice may result from several circumstances. Examples include a surgeon leaving a glove in a patient’s stomach or a doctor giving a patient the wrong medication, leading to heart failure. Most medical malpractice lawsuit allegations fall into one of the following groups:
- Improper treatment due to a lack of diagnosis
- Neglecting to inform the patient about known risks
Personal injury cases come in many forms, from slip and falls to car accidents to medical malpractice. Knowing the types of injuries helps determine if you may have a case. So it’s important to stay informed.
If you believe you have an issue that requires legal guidance, hiring a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney is highly recommended.
An attorney can provide valuable insights into how to approach your situation. Working with the right lawyer can be the difference between getting financial compensation or having your case dismissed.