Aegon N.V. to combine its Dutch operations with ASR Nederland (a.s.r.)

AMSTERDAM: Aegon N.V. has reached an agreement with ASR Nederland (a.s.r.) to combine its Dutch pension, life and non-life insurance, banking, and mortgage origination activities with a.s.r.
The combination will create a leading Dutch insurance company. This step enables Aegon to accelerate its strategy and represents a major step in its ambition to become a leader in its chosen markets. Aegon will receive EUR 2.5 billion in gross cash proceeds, and a 29.99% strategic stake in a.s.r., with associated governance rights.
Aegon’s Dutch asset management activities will remain part of Aegon’s global asset manager. Aegon will enter into a long-term asset management agreement with a.s.r. to manage parts of the combination’s general account investments, the investments of the Premium Pension Institution (PPI) offering of Aegon Cappital, and a.s.r.’s mortgage funds.
“Today’s announcement marks a major milestone in the history of our company and in our long-term ambition to create leaders in our chosen markets”, said Lard Friese, CEO of Aegon.
“Both Aegon and ASR Nederland are deeply rooted in Dutch society and share a long and rich history. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our employees, Aegon the Netherlands has been able to improve its performance in recent years. We’re now building on that success by creating a Dutch insurance leader. I’m convinced that the combination of our companies is in the best long-term interest of all stakeholders and Dutch society at large. Customers of both companies will benefit from a more diversified product offering and strong distribution.
“This transaction provides a unique opportunity to accelerate both the return of capital to shareholders and our strategy of investing in markets where we are well positioned for growth. Our priority continues to be to further improve our operational performance and grow profitably. The increased focus and resources resulting from this transaction, will place us in a better position for the future growth of the company.”
Jos Baeten, CEO of a.s.r. said: “I am pleased to announce today that ASR Nederland and Aegon the Netherlands, two renowned Dutch companies, deeply rooted in Dutch society, will create a leader in Dutch insurance. Together we will form a sustainable, leading insurer and strengthen our market position as the number two insurer in the market.
Given the joined strength of both companies, the company will provide a good home for all Aegon the Netherlands employees, customers, and relations. As employees of a.s.r., we will work with the new colleagues on the future of this combination. The starting point will be, one company, one culture, by leveraging the best of both organizations. We look forward to welcoming all employees, customers, and relations of Aegon the Netherlands in the near future.”
The activities of a.s.r. and Aegon the Netherlands will be integrated after closing of the transaction to maximize the potential of the two businesses and fully benefit from their combined reach, scale, and resources. The integration is expected to impact employees in both companies.
The integration will be largely completed within three years, and the intention is to minimize the number of redundancies through natural attrition and by helping people to the greatest extent possible to find jobs either inside or outside of the combination. The process will be executed in a fair, diligent, and open way, respecting the talents and strengths of people in both organizations.
Employees of the combination will benefit from the sharing of best practices and greater long-term career opportunities within a larger, more diversified Dutch company.
The a.s.r. brand will be the leading brand of the combination. The Aegon brand will remain in use in the pension and mortgage markets for three years after closing of the transaction. There will be no change for the brands of Aegon’s other entities, including TKP, Knab, Robidus and Nedasco.