Helge Krogsbøl appointed new CEO of Heimstaden

OSLO, NORWAY: Helge Krogsbøl has taken over as Heimstaden CEO from 1 January 2023. Patrik Hall has after more than 20 years decided to leave his position and continue as Senior Advisor and member of the Group Investment Committee.
“Patrik has been the key force in taking Heimstaden from a small Malmø based company, to today’s pan-European platform with more than 300,000 people living with us. Leaving the CEO position to Helge will give him the possibility to focus on investors and strategic investments, where his long experience and knowledge will play an important role.
For a customer centred company like us, customer experience and Friendly Homes combined with energy- and cost-efficient operations are key elements. Helge has impressed us as Chief Operating Officer and is perfect to fill Patrik’s seat,” says Heimstaden’s Chairman Ivar Tollefsen.
“Helge and I share a commitment to create customer satisfaction and sustainable homes, and I am confident that he will lead Heimstaden in an excellent way. I look forward to spending my time on existing and new investors, and other strategic areas for the company,” says Patrik Hall.
Helge Krogsbøl is currently Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer. He has long experience from executive positions before joining Heimstaden in 2018, such as Senior Vice President in Pandox AB and CEO at First Hotels.
“I look forward to work closely with Patrik in our new roles and to be Heimstaden’s CEO. A competent organisation with entrepreneurial mindset and strong values, combined with a diversified property portfolio across nine countries creates a solid foundation for future success,” says Helge Krogsbøl.