Genesis Energy appoints Malcolm Johns as Chief Executive

WELLINGTON, NZ: Genesis Energy announced that Malcolm Johns has been appointed Chief Executive.
Johns will commence the role on 13 March 2023 and is currently Chief Executive of Christchurch International Airport.
Genesis Chairman, Barbara Chapman said, “After an extensive global search, the Board is pleased to have appointed Malcolm as Chief Executive. This is an exciting time for the Company which has an important role to play in New Zealand’s energy transition.”
“Malcolm brings experience in leading large organistions through transformational change, while delivering value for shareholders. He has shown considerable leadership in sustainability, is committed to action on climate change and has a proven track record in decarbonising organisations.”
Johns said, “I am looking forward to joining the energy sector and one of New Zealand’s iconic companies. With its innovative retail business, diverse generation assets and strong culture, I am excited by the opportunity to contribute to its future success and for the business to continue to make a significant contribution to New Zealand’s transition to a low carbon future.”
As previously announced, outgoing Chief Executive, Marc England, will leave Genesis after six years on 14 October. Chief Customer Officer, Tracey Hickman, will lead the Company in the interim.
Malcolm Johns’ business experience
Johns has been the Chief Executive of Christchurch Airport since January 2014. He has previously been Chief Executive of InterCity Group and has held several governance roles within New Zealand’s transport and tourism sectors.
He is a founding signatory and member of the Climate Leaders Coalition Steering Group, and Chair of the APEC Business Advisory Council Climate Leadership for Businesses Task Force.
Johns is a graduate of the University of Waikato and Northwestern University. He has completed executive leadership programmes at the University of Cambridge and The Wharton School.