Fitch Ratings has changed Inter RAO credit rating
MOSCOW, RUSSIA: Public Joint Stock Company “Inter RAO UES” (“Inter RAO”, “Company”, ticker on MOEX: IRAO), the largest diversified utilities holding in Russia, announced that on March 04, 2022 independent rating agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) has changed corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” from ‘BBB’ with the “stable” outlook to ‘B’ with the “negative” outlook on the International Credit Rating Scale.
Previously on December 16, 2021 independent rating agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) has confirmed a corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BBB’ on the International Credit Rating Scale with the “stable” outlook.
On March 15, 2021 independent rating agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) has confirmed a corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BBB’ on the International Credit Rating Scale with the “stable” outlook.
Оn March 19, 2020 independent rating agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) has confirmed a corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BBB’ on the International Credit Rating Scale with the “stable” outlook.
On August 15, 2019 independent rating agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) has upgraded corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” from ‘BBB-‘ to ‘BBB’ on the International Credit Rating Scale and has changed outlook from the “positive” to “stable”.
On August 06, 2018 independent rating agency Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) has confirmed a corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BBB-‘ on the International Credit Rating Scale with the “stable” outlook.
On February 06, 2017 Fitch Ratings (Fitch Ratings CIS Ltd.) had withdrawn corporate National Scale Rating assigned to Inter RAO on October 20, 2016. The decision to withdraw national ratings followed a new credit rating industry regulation that had resulted in Fitch Ratings’ Russian National Scale Ratings not useable for regulatory purposes.
On October 20, 2016 Fitch Ratings affirmed a corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BBB-‘ on the International Credit Rating Scale and changed the outlook from “negative” to “stable”. Also Fitch Ratings affirmed Inter RAO a National Long-term rating at “AA+(rus)” on the National Credit Rating Scale with a stable outlook.
On June 09, 2016 Fitch Ratings affirmed the previously assigned (on 06/11/2015) corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BBB-‘ on the International Credit Rating Scale with a negative outlook and affirmed the corporate credit rating at “AA+(rus)” on the National Credit Rating Scale with a stable outlook.
On March 14, 2013 and on March 20, 2014 rating agency Fitch Ratings affirmed the previously assigned (on 03/15/2012) corporate credit rating of PJSC “Inter RAO” at ‘BB+’ on the International Credit Rating Scale and National Long-term rating at “AA (rus)” on the National Credit Rating Scale with stable outlook.